New York: Crude oil prices soared to $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time, buoyed by supply concerns tied to violence in Nigeria and worries that US stocks will register their seventh weekly decline in a row.
''It's just a confluence of factors that got it revved up,'' Jim Ritterbusch, president of Galena, Illinois-based oil trading advisory service Ritterbusch and Associates, told Dow Jones Newswires. ''It's brought a lot of speculative buying back into the long side. There's really not much commercial selling to slow it down.''
Light, sweet crude for February delivery rose $4.02 to $100 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, according to Brenda Guzman, a Nymex spokeswoman, before slipping back to settle at a record close of $99.62, up $3.64.
Oil prices are within the range of inflation-adjusted highs set in early 1980. Depending on how the adjustment is calculated, $38 a barrel then would be worth $96 to $103 or more today.
Surging economies in China and India fed by oil and gasoline have sent prices soaring over the past year, while tensions in oil producing nations like Nigeria and Iran have increasingly made investors nervous and invited speculators to drive prices even higher.
Violence in Nigeria helped give crude the final push over $100. Bands of armed men invaded Port Harcourt, the center of Nigeria's oil industry Tuesday, attacking two police stations and raiding the lobby of a major hotel. Word that several Mexican oil export ports were closed due to rough weather added to the gains, as did a report that OPEC may not be able to meet its share of global oil demand by 2024.
The White House on Wednesday said it would not release oil from the nation's strategic reserves to drive prices lower.
''This president would not use the (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) to manipulate (prices) unless there was a true emergency,'' said White House press secretary Dana Perino.
As of early November, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve contained 694 million barrels of oil. The government is working to fill it to its 727 million barrel capacity.
Among the solutions to high prices are expanding domestic oil and gas production and increasing the nation's refining capacity, Energy Department spokeswoman Megan Barnett said.
Crude prices, which have flirted with $100 for months, have risen in recent days on supply concerns exacerbated by Turkish attacks on Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq and falling domestic inventories. However, post-holiday trading volumes were about 50 percent of normal Wednesday, meaning the price move was likely exaggerated by speculative buying.
It is hard to say whether prices would have risen as quickly on a normal trading day, analysts said. While oil has soared on mounting supply concerns in recent months, speculators have often been cited as a reason for the swiftness of oil's climb.
Moreover, many of the concerns about supply disruptions have yet to materialize, but that hasn't stopped buyers from driving prices higher.
''Although the (Nigerian) violence has not impacted oil flow out of the country, it has reignited supply concerns as militant attacks have reduced Nigeria's crude output by roughly 20 percent since 2006,'' said John Gerdes, an analyst at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey in a research note. Nigeria is Africa's largest oil producer.
On top of those concerns, investors are anticipating that crude inventories fell by 1.7 million barrels last week, which would be the seventh straight weekly drop.
''(A decline) is not anything unusual for this time of year, but when it happens for seven weeks in a row, it starts to add up,'' said Amanda Kurzendoerfer, an analyst at Summit Energy Services Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky.
The EIA's inventory report, delayed until Thursday this week due to the New Year's holiday, is also expected to show gains in gasoline supplies and refinery activity, and a decline in supplies of distillates, which include heating oil and diesel.
In other Nymex trading Wednesday, February heating oil futures rose 9.1 cents to settle at a record $2.7404 a gallon after setting a trading record of $2.7465 while February gasoline futures climbed 7.81 cents to settle at a record $2.5689 a gallon after setting their own trading record of $2.5784.
February natural gas futures advanced 36.7 cents to settle at $7.85 per 1,000 cubic feet.
In London, February Brent crude rose $3.37 to settle at $97.84 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.
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