Tamil film Sakuntalai, released in 1940, commemorated its 93rd anniversary on December 12. Directed by Ellis R Dungan, the film is based on the mythological story of Queen Shakuntala, a narrative often recounted in the Mahabharata. Starring MS Subbulakshmi and GN Balasubramaniam in lead roles, the movie was a significant success at the box office, introducing innovative techniques to Tamil cinema.
Produced by Rayal Talkie Distributors, Sakuntalai boasts a remarkable total of 24 songs, predominantly sung by the acclaimed actress Subbulakshmi. Notably, Carnatic singer GN Balasubramaniam contributed to two songs in collaboration with Subbulakshmi. The screenplay was crafted by T Sadasivam, and the music, a key element of the film, was composed by Thuraiyar Rajagopala Sharma.
Originally, the celebrated director K Subramanyam was approached to helm the project, but due to prior commitments, he declined. Ellis Dungan, the eventual director, brought fresh elements to Tamil cinema, incorporating techniques such as slow-motion shots. Dungan also introduced a European dancer in the film to infuse a touch of glamour into the Indian cinematic landscape. The director highlighted this in his memoir, A Guide To Adventure: An Autobiography, acknowledging the buzz it created among Indian actors.
The film’s narrative, adapted from Kalidasa’s dramatic play Shakuntala, revolves around the love affair between Shakuntala and King Dushyanta. MS Subbulakshmi gained widespread acclaim for her role as Shakuntala, while GN Balasubramaniam portrayed King Dushyanta. The storyline follows the mythical tale of Shakuntala, the daughter of the sage Vishwamitra and Apsara Menaka, abandoned at birth and later adopted by Sage Kanva in a secluded hermitage.
King Dushyanta, enchanted by Shakuntala’s beauty during a visit to the hermitage, decides to marry her and leaves his ring as a token. The plot unfolds through various twists, leading to the eventual union of Shakuntala and King Dushyanta after the birth of their son, Bharath.
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