Van Gaal silent on Ribery report
Van Gaal silent on Ribery report
Bayern Munich coach Louis van Gaal sidestepped a report that France winger Franck Ribery is to stay with the club until 2015.

Madrid: Bayern Munich coach Louis van Gaal sidestepped a report that France winger Franck Ribery is to stay with the club until 2015.

Citing unidentified "reliable French sources," Germany's Bild newspaper reported on Friday that Bayern's bosses and Ribery's advisers had negotiated a contract extension for the player.

Van Gaal was asked ahead of Saturday's Champions League final against Inter Milan whether Ribery, who is suspended from the game, had played his last match for the Bundesliga champion.

"You are a smart guy," Van Gaal replied to his questioner at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. "But I am also smart."

Ribery's future has been the subject of speculation all season and Bayern captain Marc van Bommel was also asked about the Frenchman's status at the same news conference.

"I don't think we are here to talk about that. We are waiting for a statement from the club," the Dutch midfielder said.

"He is an excellent player and we would love to keep him. If the management of Bayern Munich is not going to say anything I should not say it myself."

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