Casual Ways to Say “Have a Good Week”
Keep it simple with a genuine message. If “have a good week” seems too basic to send, try using one of these alternatives. They’re perfect for casual friends, family members, and even coworkers! “Have a great week!” “Hoping you have a wonderful week.” “Sending you the best this Monday morning.” “May your week ahead be full of blessings.” “A brand new week is upon you. I hope it’s a good one!” “Here’s to a week full of new opportunities.” “May your week be filled with good thoughts and happy moments.” “Wishing you the best this morning.” “Happy Monday! Here’s to a brand new week!” “I hope you have an awesome day!” “It’s Monday! Let’s make it a great week!” “It’s a good week to have a great week!” “Enjoy your week!” “Here’s to a fresh start on this beautiful morning.” “May this week’s journey be nothing but inspiring.” “Wishing you a productive and fulfilling week ahead!” “As you step into the workweek, know you’ve got this.”
Funny Ways to Say “Have a Good Week”
Brighten someone’s week with a goofy morning message. A “Have a good week” message doesn’t have to be boring! Add some pizzazz to your message with a joke or silly remark to make a friend or partner smile. “Have a good week, dork!” “It’s Monday already? Gah. Well, I hope yours is a good one!” “I hope your week isn’t a yawn fest!” “Ready to start the week? Nope? Too bad!” “Good morning! Let’s do this thing!” “Hoping you woke up on the right side of the bed because we’ve got work to do!” “If your boss tells you to have a good week, go home…just kidding! But I do hope you have a great week!” “Rise and shine! Let’s kick Monday’s butt!” “Remember, the early bird catches the worm!” “Why did the morning coffee go to the police? It got mugged! Hope you have a great week!” “If life gives you lemons in the morning, take it as a sign that your day needs more sugar. Time to turn those lemons into a laughter-filled lemonade stand!” “Another day, another dollar.”
Cute Ways to Say “Have a Good Week”
Be a little flirtatious to start your crush or partner’s week off right. If you’re chatting with someone extra special, try adding a cute, romantic, or flirty remark to your well wishes. This is a great way to say, “Have a good week” with a wink! Try something like: “I don’t like Mondays. But I do like you.” “Good morning, beautiful! Today is brighter because you’re in it.” “Happy beginning of the week! May your day shine as bright as you.” “A new week is like a blank canvas, and I cannot wait to see what you paint.” “Do you know why the sun rises each morning? To see you smile.” “Today is a gift. Let’s cherish it.” “Wake up, my love. A week of new opportunities is waiting for you.” “Enjoy your week, sweetheart!” “Hoping your morning is as radiant as you.” “Here’s to another week of making memories with you.”
Quotes for “Have a Good Week”
Make them smile with an inspirational quote. If you know someone is going through a rough time, wish them a good week with the uplifting words of someone inspiring. This is a perfect way to let a loved one know you’re thinking of them without being too cliché. Here are some of our favorite quotes: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” - Jack Canfield “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King Jr. “When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” - Ella Woodward “The sun himself is weak when he first rises; and gathers strength and courage as the day goes on.” - Charles Dickens “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” - Margaret Thatcher “Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end, you are sure to succeed.” - Abraham Lincoln “Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.” - Albert Einstein “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.” - Ken Poirot “The future depends on what you do today.” - Mahatma Gandhi
When is it appropriate to say, “Have a good week”?
Say “Have a good week” to wish someone well at the start of the week. This phrase is appropriate to use with just about anyone! Say or send it to your bestie, crush, partner, or coworker to let them know you hope they have a nice week. Just make sure you use this phrase on Sunday or Monday to kick off the week! “Have a good week” can be used as a single message or an email signoff. If “have a good week” seems inauthentic or unrealistic to the person’s current circumstances, try using an alternative like “take care.” This has the same sentiment but doesn’t add any pressure to have a nice week.
How to Reply to “Have a Good Week”
Send them well wishes back. When someone says, “Have a good week,” they’re wishing you well. So, return the compliment! You can keep this short and sweet or use a lengthier quote to show even more sentiment. “You, too!” “I hope you have a good week, too!” “And you as well.”
Say, “Thank you.” Let someone know you appreciate the well wishes and sentiment with a bit of gratitude. After all, a “thank you” can go a long way! Try saying something like: “Thanks! You, too!” “That’s so nice of you to say. Thank you!” “I appreciate that!”
Ask how they are. If you want to continue the conversation, do so! “Have a good week” can be an invitation to start a discussion or check in with someone. So, if you want to know how they’re doing, don’t hesitate to ask. “How are you?” “Thanks! How have you been?” “It’s been so long! How was your weekend?”
Share something about your week. If you need to vent, take their comment as an opening to do so. Maybe you’ve had a rough day at work or have an exciting event coming up. Either way, let them know something about your week. “I hope it is! It’s been one thing after another.” “You, too! I can’t wait to see you this weekend.” “Thanks! I have a job interview, so fingers crossed!”
Reply with a meme or GIF. When in doubt, send a meme or GIF! This is an excellent way to express your feelings via text without actually saying anything. Simply type your emotion into a GIF or image search and send an image that reflects your feelings. For example, maybe you’re feeling motivated by their “Have a good week” message, so you send them a GIF of someone giving a thumbs up.
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