17 Signs That You're Attractive
People light up when you enter a room. When you enter a room full of people, do any of them notice right away and make eye contact, smile, or greet you? If so, that's a sign they may be attracted to you in some way. They may not necessarily feel a sexual attraction toward you, but they may like the way you present yourself. If they know you, it's possible they're attracted to your inner qualities, like integrity, positivity, and kindness.
People make prolonged eye contact with you. If you catch someone staring at you or glancing at you over and over again, look out: they're probably attracted to you! They're looking at you because they find you beautiful or handsome or because they want to catch your eye – or both. If they're looking at your face, they may just be smitten with you, but if they're staring at the rest of your body, you can be certain their mind is on your physical qualities.
You get compliments on your smile. Attractive people tend to have a charming or endearing way of smiling that makes people feel happy. They may describe your smile as "sweet" or "infectious," meaning they want to smile whenever they see it. The size and shape of your lips don't make your smile attractive so much as how genuinely you feel it. Authenticity in expressions always stands out.
People are always willing to help you. Have you ever had any trouble getting help when you need it, even from strangers? If the answer is, "No," you may simply have a lot of great friends or good luck interacting with people you don't know. But it could also mean you're attractive! People in general are more eager to assist people whom they find good-looking.
People act nervous or awkward around you. When you interact with people and some of them smile nervously, struggle to add to the current discussion, or laugh uncomfortably loud and often, those are all symptoms that they're intimidated by your attractiveness. It's only natural to feel nervous and awkward around people we crush on or whom we feel is out of our league, physically. Unfortunately, it also makes it harder to just have a normal conversation!
People seem to want to be around you. Despite the way you make some people feel intimidated by your attractiveness, people still want to be around you. They pick you out in a crowd and hang out by your table. They invite you to their parties and hang-outs, and talk to you at every opportunity. An attractive person never has to worry about whether they'll have weekend plans if they choose!
You notice people change the way they talk around you. One way to know if you're attractive is if the way people talk and the pitch of their voice changes when they talk to you. For example, men tend to lower their voices when they're talking to someone they're attracted to, whereas women's voices sound higher.
Some people seem to dislike you for no reason. Life as an attractive person isn't all a bed of roses. You may discover that a lot of people dislike you because they feel you're prettier or more handsome than they are. But what they really resent is all the positive attention you're getting. While they may not come right out and say they don't like you, you may be able to tell if they act distant or rude toward you, but not others. You may also hear through the grapevine they don't like you, but they aren't able to give a reason for their animosity without revealing their jealousy.
People act surprised when you express insecurity. Attractive people have confidence issues as much as anyone else, yet other people always seem to be surprised when you express insecurity about some part of your appearance. This is a good sign they think you're physically attractive because they clearly don't understand why you're criticizing yourself. The person listening to you in this conversation may respond with, "If I looked like you, I wouldn't have any problems!" or "I'd give my right arm to have your looks!"
You notice people copying your style or mannerisms. Have you noticed people in your social circle wearing the same clothes, makeup, or jewelry as you? Have they also started doing their hair in a similar way or walking and talking using your mannerisms? If so, and if you were the first one to introduce the trends to your group, it's also possible you've got some copycats following your every move. Take it as a compliment and keep pursuing your own original style!
You always get tons of engagement on social media. Attractive people tend to get a lot of likes and comments on their social media posts, especially when they post selfies. People you may not even realize started following you will come out of the woodwork to engage with you. In doing so, they let you know they enjoy looking at pictures of you, probably because of how attractive you are.
You've had people obsess over you in the past. Another potential pitfall of being attractive is having people become obsessed with you simply because they think you're good-looking. These people reveal themselves by liking and commenting on all your social media posts (especially your pictures), texting you at all hours, trying to set up times to meet every weekend, mirroring you, and talking about you to others constantly.
Confidence comes naturally to you. Even if you're not considered "beautiful" or "handsome" by Western beauty conventions, a lot of people may be attracted to you because of your healthy sense of self-confidence. You're not obsessed with your looks, nor are you dissatisfied with them and constantly trying to change them. You're comfortable in your own skin, and that makes you appear and act as if you've got it all put together. Confidence just comes naturally to you, and people love that about you!
You receive a lot of direct messages from strangers. If you regularly receive random DMs from strangers complimenting your looks or asking you for your number, you're definitely attractive! People don't usually reach out if they don't know you unless they think you're hot or sexy. While this can be a confidence booster, it can also be annoying, so feel free to change your social media accounts to Private or block those individuals to avoid them.
People talk about you a lot. If they're jealous types, they may try to talk down about you in other ways besides your appearance, like your career or your relationships. If they're true admirers, however, they'll ask mutual friends how you're doing and speak highly of you.
People reach out to you at random times. Do you get friends, acquaintances, and ex-partners you haven't heard from in years contacting you out of the blue? If so, that could be a sign they find you attractive because they clearly still think about you. However, it could also be that they just thought about you one day and wanted to know how you're doing. So don't assume that they're reaching out because they're interested in kindling (or rekindling) a romantic relationship.
You never have trouble getting a date. If you never struggle to find a date while all your friends and family bemoan how terrible the dating scene is, it's highly possible you're just really attractive. You may even get asked out on dates by strangers when you're running errands or hanging out with friends. While you're probably flattered by such attention, remember to use your best judgment when choosing whom to date. Avoid getting involved with someone who only values your appearance, not your personality or character.
What It Means to Be Attractive
Being attractive means people like looking at you. Merriam-Webster defines "attractive" as "arousing interest or pleasure : charming." People who are considered attractive have a physical appeal that draws other people's eyes. You may have physical features that "arouse" people's pleasure (not necessarily in a sexual way, although that can happen, too). For example, if you're a woman, you may have a pretty smile that makes other people want to smile when they see it. If you're an attractive man, you probably have good hygiene and are confident without being arrogant.
Being attractive can also mean people like being around you. You may be attractive not just because of your pleasing appearance, but also because of your pleasing manners and honest personality. People want to be near you and talk to you so they can converse with you and hear your opinions. You may also have an aura of calmness about you that makes others feel at ease.
You don't have to be conventionally pretty or handsome to be attractive. Some assume that to be attractive, all you need is an hourglass shape and a pouty mouth for women, and a chiseled jawline and muscled arms for men. But one can have all these features and still only be attractive on the surface. Truly attractive people also possess qualities like intelligence, integrity, honesty, and empathy. These characteristics enhance their natural looks and draw people in. Keep in mind that beauty is also subjective and based on personal preference. What one group of people thinks is attractive is ugly to others. The best thing you can do is love yourself and work on bringing out the natural, unique features you were born with.
How to Enhance Your Unique Attractiveness
Dress in clothes that fit your body shape and style. For men, image consultant Elle Monus suggests avoiding oversized suits and having one custom-tailored to fit. On casual days, try a shirt with a modern pattern in a color that complements your skin tone and a pair of Chino pants. For women, she says, "fit and fabrics are key." Opt for structured or woven fabrics to create the best shape "while skimming your trouble parts" (i.e., a muffin top or oversized thighs). If you're not comfortable picking out clothes or don't know where to start, dating coach Alessandra Conti recommends hiring a stylist. A stylist can help you dress wellas opposed to just following the newest fashion trends (not all of which are objectively appealing!).
Wear makeup that complements your natural skin tone and facial features. Image consultant Paul Julch emphasizes that the colors you choose to wear on your face will either brighten your skin or make it appear sallow and dull. Opt for makeup that flatters your skin tone and brings out your eyes' natural color and depth. That way people will notice your natural beauty rather than be distracted by gaudy or thick makeup.
Maintain good hygiene habits. Cultivating good hygiene habits is an extremely attractive trait, no matter what gender you are! For men, Monus says that might look like hydrating and shaping your beard and choosing a pleasant scent to wear. Women, on the other hand, may want to focus on keeping their skin and hair smooth and sweet-smelling, plucking the hair between their eyebrows, and shaving the hair on their legs and armpits.
Exercise and stay healthy. While you don't have to be fit to be attractive, showing that you care about your health and wellness will certainly make people admire and respect you all the more. Build an exercise routine that works for you and helps you tackle any problem areas you may want to address. For example, if you want to build muscle, lift weights. If you want to tone your leg muscles, try pilates or yoga. Think of exercise as Conti does: "[looking] like the best version of yourself." Being active and fit and in tune with your body is incredibly attractive, whether you're a man or a woman. And it makes you feel good about yourself, too!
Practice being more authentic and open. Part of being attractive is having a likeable personality. "Likeability," says Monus, "comes down to authenticity and openness." In other words, be yourself around other people! Avoid putting on airs or pretending you're something that you're not, and don't be afraid to share your experiences or opinions if an opportunity presents itself. As you do, the people you talk to will feel seen and heard and "will usually come back to hear your thoughts on other topics."
Focus on being happy with yourself and your life. Being happy "is vital," Conti says, to attracting people to you, whether they're a friend or a potential romantic partner. "Because if you're not happy in your life," she continues, "you are not going to attract anybody." Positivity makes people want to be around you, whereas negativity makes them want to stay far away. With this essential quality, you can be attractive regardless of whether you meet society's standards for beauty.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I know if my face is attractive? If your face is attractive, you may catch strangers and people you know gazing at it for prolonged periods of time. You may also get frequent compliments on your smile or your eyes.
How do I tell if I'm naturally pretty? Prettiness, like all other measures of beauty, is subjective. In other words, what one person thinks is attractive comes down to personal preference. You can always enhance your natural features with clothes and makeup. Make sure to choose colors that complement your skin tone, hair color, and eye color rather than cover them up.
What determines if you are attractive? People are attractive if they're pleasing to look at and be around. To be attractive, you don't have to be conventionally beautiful or handsome. It's all about how good you make others feel and how much they like looking at you.
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