How to Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend
How to Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend
Asking a girl to be your girlfriend can be nerve-racking, and you might be wondering what you can do to get her to really like you. Attract her attention by giving her compliments, asking her questions about her interests, and just being yourself. When the time comes to ask her to be your girlfriend, then there will be lots of ways you can ask the question. Then if she says yes or no, respect her answer and be proud of yourself for asking.

How to Attract Her?

Take care of your appearance and hygiene. This is a simple way to make the girl more attracted to you. Shower regularly so that your hair and body are smelling clean, and wear clothes that you feel confident and attractive in. Doing small things like brushing your hair or putting together a nice outfit is more likely to attract the girl's attention.

Hold eye contact to catch her attention. When you catch the girl looking at you, try to maintain eye contact for several seconds before smiling and looking away. This will hint to her that you really like her and will make her more interested in you. When you're talking to her, look into her eyes to help form a meaningful connection. Try to avoid looking into her eyes for more than 3 seconds, as this verges more on staring.

Give off positive body language to show she has your attention. You can do this by just standing or sitting near her, as well as pointing your body so that it's facing her. Smile lots when she's around, and pay attention to any physical cues she gives to see if she likes you too. Note: If she likes you back, she might move to be closer to you, play with her hair, smile more, or bite her lip. Sit or stand up straight to show off good posture. Avoid crossing your arms to make you look more approachable and friendly.

Compliment her to hint that you're interested. The compliments should be genuine and tell her what you like about her as a person, not just focusing on looks. For example, you might tell her that you love her personality, like how she treats her friends and family, or think she's great at her job or schoolwork. Compliment her on her sports skills or artistic abilities. Say something like, “You have a beautiful smile,” or “You always make me laugh.”

Make her laugh to show off your funny side. You could do this by telling a joke or funny story, or by teasing her lightly to get her to laugh. Getting her to laugh will help her feel more comfortable around you and will make her more attracted to you at the same time. Talk about a funny story that happened to you when you were little. Tease her about something silly like her stuffed animal collection or any funny habits she has.

Use a hug or light touch to show you feel comfortable around her. Touch her gently on the arm, hug her when saying hello or goodbye, or put your arm around her shoulders when sitting or standing near one another. Small touches are a great way to tell her you're interested in her without being aggressive. Squeeze her hand lightly when you're walking beside one another. Touch her shoulder when you're having a conversation, or lightly squeeze her knee if you're sitting next to her. With that said, you should hold off on doing this if you're talking to a girl you just met. You don't want to come on too strong and start touching a girl you've only just started talking to.

Radiate confidence by being yourself. Don't try to act differently just to get a girl to like you. Girls find natural confidence attractive, so she'll be much more likely to fall for you if you're just being yourself. Avoid taking yourself too seriously and don't be scared to make fun of yourself. If you're confident in who you are, she'll notice that and feel more comfortable being around you. Always aim to be genuine and honest when you're talking to girls.

How to Form a Connection?

Communicate with her often to get to know each other better. This can be over text, in person, through social media, or even by written notes. By talking to her throughout the day, you'll learn more about each other and show her that you're thinking about her often. Tip: Avoid overwhelming her with texts or messages. A few throughout the day is okay, but if she hasn't been responding, it's best to slow it down. Send her a simple text that says, “I hope you're having a great day,” or “What are your plans for the weekend?” Leave her notes in her notebook or bag that she'll find later on.

Ask her questions about herself to show that you're interested. Not only will this help you really get to know her, but she'll appreciate the effort you're making. Ask her questions about school or work, her family, and her interests. Ask her what she likes to do on the weekend, what her favorite shows are, or which restaurants she likes. If you strike up a natural conversation, she might even ask you questions about yourself as well, showing that she's interested in getting to know you too.

Form a closer bond by finding things you have in common. This could be that you both love sports, are studying the same subject in school, or love helping the community. Bonding over shared hobbies or interests will strengthen your relationship, and it will also give you ideas of things you can do together that you both enjoy. If you both love nature, you could go on a hike or walk when the weather is nice. Maybe you both like reading, watching horror movies, or playing board games.

Remember the little things she's mentioned before. When she talks, make sure you're truly listening. Bring up things she's talked about before, such as activities she likes doing, places she wants to visit, or different foods she likes most. If she mentioned she loves chocolate, surprise her with a candy bar the next time you hang out together. Take her to a park or store she says she likes, or play her favorite music when you're in the car with her. You might send her a text saying, “I remember you saying you were stressed about your big test today. I just wanted to say good luck!”

Take her on dates to do something special for her. Make her a special dinner or breakfast, take her on a day trip somewhere, or just do a nice gesture like bring her supplies when she's sick or help her with a task. Taking the time to do something with her and putting thought into your plans will show her how much you care. Bring her bowling, to a movie, or to play putt putt. Set up a picnic for the two of you in a park or backyard. Ask her what her perfect date would be and see if you can create it for her.

Tell her how you feel about her. Letting her know how you feel will make your intentions more obvious when you go to ask her to be your girlfriend. Tell her how you feel about her, either slipping it into normal conversation or making a grand gesture. Ask her how she feels about you too, if desired. You might tell her, “I really like you and want to keep getting to know you better.” Tell her how you're feeling over a romantic dinner or while you're taking a scenic walk. If you tell her how you feel and she doesn't seem to feel the same way, be respectful of her feelings. Try to avoid doing this over text. Telling a girl how you feel in person will make the moment so much more special for the both of you.

How to Ask Her to Be Your Girlfriend?

Ask her in person if possible. It's best to avoid asking the girl to be your girlfriend over text or social media—this isn't as personal, and you won't be able to see her true reaction. While it can be nerve-racking, she'll appreciate the effort and courage it took to ask you the question in person. Practice asking her the question in front of a mirror if you're feeling nervous. You don't need to make a big deal out of it—even just slipping the question into a normal conversation and then moving on to another topic works well.

Add a personal touch if you're asking her over text. Keep your text simple by saying something like, "Will you be my girlfriend?" and then adding a cute emoji, GIF, or picture. You can also get more creative with your text by telling her what you like about her in the text too. You might send a text that says, "I've had a crush on you ever since you first smiled at me—will you be my girlfriend?" Asking someone to be your girlfriend over text isn't recommended because it's always much better if you do it in person.

Be straightforward and ask her the question directly. If you just want to ask without making a big deal out of it, get a moment alone with her and ask, “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” or something similar. Most girls like it when you're direct, and this is a great way to show your intentions while being respectful and polite. Tip: Ask her the question when you're taking a walk, eating dinner, or just spending quality time together.

Write her a letter to ask her romantically. Whether you're too nervous to ask her out loud or you really want to explain your feelings in more detail, a letter is a super thoughtful way to ask her to be your girlfriend. Write out everything you'd like to tell her, adding the question in of “Will you be my girlfriend?” near the end. Make the letter as short or as long as you'd like—it could even just be more of a note that says something kind and then pops the question. Write about the fun times you've had together, what you like about her, or how she makes you feel. Once you're finished, you can either give her the letter to read in front of you, or you can give it to her to read at a later time.

Bring the question up indirectly to ask her casually. Instead of coming right out and asking if she'll be your girlfriend, there are other ways to get your answer without being so direct. For example, ask, “When I'm introducing you to people, should I introduce you as my friend or my girlfriend?” You might ask, “What do you tell your friends that we are?” steering the conversation along so that you can later say, “Would you mind if I called you my girlfriend?” You could also ask her to come to an event with you as more than just your date to show that you want to be serious.

Give her a compliment before asking to explain your feelings. Instead of jumping right into the question, explain what you like about her. This creates a more natural conversation and shows her that you really do want her to be your girlfriend. For example, you might say, “I really like spending time with you and think you're a smart, amazing person. Would you be my girlfriend?” You could compliment her by saying she's kind, has a great smile, or is really funny.

Ask her in a creative way to be unique. Make a sign that says “Will you be my girlfriend?” or write the question on a baked good for an added treat. There are lots of ways to ask her to be your girlfriend that involve creativity, and she'll be super impressed by how much thought you put into it. Write her a short song asking her to be your girlfriend if you play an instrument or sing. Write the question on a cake with icing, or form the letters on a pizza using candy or pizza toppings. Spell the question out on the driveway in flowers or sidewalk chalk.

Respect her decision if she turns you down. Try not to take it personally if she doesn't want to be your girlfriend. Take some time to get over your feelings, and know that there's someone else out there for you. Allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling, whether it's sadness, anger, or disappointment. Spend some time in nature or exercise to make you feel better, or distract yourself with your favorite hobbies.

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