How to Greet Someone During Advent
How to Greet Someone During Advent
Advent is a blessed season full of warmth, hope and joy. When you wish others a Happy Advent, you share your love for the Lord and Jesus Christ, the Savior. The best way to greet someone during Advent is with kindness, holiday cheer, and a passion for Christ. Here, you'll find plenty of friendly and meaningful ways to give people holiday greetings all Advent long.

“I wish you many blessings and good times! A very Happy First Advent Sunday to you.”

Advent Sunday is the first day of Advent Season, so start on a high note. Remind your friends that Advent has begun and rejoice over all the celebration that’s in store for them.

“This season is God’s precious gift to us. May we appreciate it and honor his generosity. Happy Advent!”

Invite a person to express gratitude for the Lord. Talk about how each and every moment should be cherished because it’s proof of God’s power.

“Let us gather together and worship the Lord this Advent Season! We are all surrounded by his light.”

Build community and inclusiveness by asking people to pray together. Let them know that they can use this special season to reach out to God as a group of devout followers.

“May we all use this time to reflect on the glory of our Savior. I wish you a blessed Advent!"

Promote patience and thoughtfulness. While some rush during Advent to buy presents or decorate their homes, remind them to slow down and consider what the holiday is really about⁠—honoring the Lord.

“God sent us his Only Begotten Son! May we hold his love for humanity in our hearts this Second Sunday of Advent.”

Realize the sacrifice Jesus made for you and open your hearts to him. Since he went to the cross to release us from our sins, focus on how much our Savior adores all people and how much he deserves our love.

“Let’s rejoice and be merry! He has risen!”

Celebrate the revival of Christ. In an amazing act that was a testament to his power, Jesus came back to life three days after he was crucified. Realize how wonderful that miracle was and use it as an opportunity to be hopeful.

"The Lord looks down on us all. May your home and heart be filled with warmth and peace. Wishing you a joyful Advent!”

Remind your friends of God’s mercy and compassion. Tell them to expect a season full of harmony and calmness because your Savior watches over them.

"Each and every day is a miracle. I know many blessings are in store for you. Happy Advent!”

Encourage people to be amazed by their lives. Just our existence and our ability to experience the world around us is a profound gift from God. Say that both the present and the future is worth getting excited over.

"We are all God’s children and guided by his love! May we make the world a better place this Advent Season!”

Talk about how people can be inspired by God’s traits. The Lord has many “attributes,” or powers, that we should all try to develop within ourselves, like generosity. Inspire other followers to give back to their community and heal the world.

“The King will return! I hope this holy season brings in good tidings and grants your wishes!”

Remind followers of the Second Coming. Just like Jesus has risen once before, he will do so again. Focus on how Advent is an opportunity to express enthusiasm for the Lord’s amazing capabilities. Because God is kind, look forward to good luck and answered prayers.

“It's time to open another Door on our Advent calendars! Let’s toast mulled wine this Third Sunday of Advent! God is good.”

Rejoice over the rewarding and uplifting traditions of Advent. For example, talk about the joy of receiving a piece of chocolate and a line of Scripture every time you open a Door on your Advent calendar. Make delicious, warm drinks for your family and praise the Lord for the season.

“It's cold outside, but the Lord blesses us with warmth and shelter! This Advent, let’s stay in and drink hot apple cider!

Say that life is full of cheer even when it’s winter. When it gets chilly, focus on the roofs you and your loved ones have over your heads. Talk about ways to be cozy and tranquil since Advent is a time for peace and gratitude.

"Remember that the Advent Wreath has no beginning and no end, just like Christ’s eternal love for us!”

Point out that the Advent Wreath is so much more than a decoration. Tell your friends that its circle represents the Lord’s infinite power and eternal presence, while the evergreens the wreath is made of symbolize that God will always live on and love us.

‘the angels sang a message of joy.’"

Remind followers that a pink candle stands for joy. The “Shepherd’s Candle” is the third candle lit for Advent. When you bring up the symbolism of candles and a passage from Scripture that focuses on how the angels celebrated the Lord, you’ll invite your friends to express happiness for God’s generosity.

“I hope that you and your loved ones will feel God’s grace and glory this holy season of Advent!”

Encourage others to be open to the Lord’s presence all Advent season. When followers remain worshipful and grateful, it will be easy for them to experience their Creator’s power and love all day. Remember that this holiday provides a unique opportunity to continually reflect on God.

“Our King will come, just as he promised, and usher in justice and peace. May you be safe and happy this Advent!”

Join followers in remembering your Savior’s vow. Advent allows us all to look forward to the Second Coming, when Jesus will return to our world and bring his faithful followers to Heaven. Take heart that he will come again and embrace the lives you have now.

“Let's prepare for the arrival of Christ! He'll grant us peace and take away our fear. Blessed Fourth Sunday of Advent!”

Tell others that the Fourth Sunday of Advent is for sending prayers to Jesus. When they reach out to him and ask for solace, he will hear their pleas and bring comfort to their lives.

“Walk in the Lord's light and be not afraid, for he is always with you! Wishing you hope and joy for Advent!”

Comfort followers and say God is with them every step of the way. Remind them that all they need is an open heart and unstoppable faith⁠—when they never doubt the Lord, they’ll feel at peace during each day of Advent.

‘He tends his flock like a shepherd.’ God steers us true! Have a peaceful Advent!”

Cite Scripture that celebrates the Savior’s guidance. Ultimately, Advent is about remaining in awe of the Lord’s faithfulness and love for all of humanity. Join other followers in praising God for his unending commitment to all of you on the right path.

“This Advent season, you are welcome at my home! There will be roasted meat, fresh baked cookies, and lots of love!

Be generous like the Lord and share your wealth. Open up your home and treat followers like honored guests. Tell them you're glad for their company and you'll warm their hearts.

“God has blessed me with an amazing family and the truest friends! You’re the only gifts I need! Have a joyful Advent!”

Treasure your loved ones, who are blessings from your Savior. Say that their presence in your life is priceless and praise Jesus for putting such wonderful people on your path.

“It’s almost Christmas, which means it’s time for carols, hymns, and singing our praise for the Lord! Happy Advent!”

Announce your love of God through song. Get everyone else in the holiday spirit and move them to call out to their Savior. You'll inspire them to use their voice to honor Christ.

“Christmas is nearly here! Bring out the beautiful decorations, the delicious feasts, and the lovingly wrapped presents!"

Feel free to talk about the fun parts of Advent, like its festivities. Make a list of all your favorite traditions so you can lift your friends’ spirits. You’ll encourage them to feel the holiday cheer and celebrate in their own special ways.

"On the final day of Advent, let’s remember the meaning of Christmas—to celebrate our Savior, Jesus. He is the One!”

As Advent draws to a close, make sure to focus on Christ. Since the last day of the Advent season is Christmas Eve, come together with followers and rejoice over what will unfold the next day—Christmas. On December 25th, you’ll all honor the birth of Jesus. Remember, if you meet someone for the first time you can make eye contact and smile. Use the word hi for greeting in a casual environment. When you meet someone for the first time at a business event, it is better to be more formal and use the word hello. But while greeting a friend, you can express your personality to the fullest extent.

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