Scoop 3 tbsp (42.52 g) of coconut cream into a bowl.
Start off with your fave brand of coconut cream. For best results, choose a can of organic, unsweetened coconut cream. Use a can opener to take the lid off the coconut cream. Scoop out 3 heaping tablespoons (42.52 grams) of coconut cream. Drop the coconut cream into a bowl. If you plan to drink your coconut milk right after you make it, then chill your coconut cream in the fridge for 1 day before you whip up your DIY beverage.
Add 1 tbsp (14.77 mL) of water into the bowl.
Splash in 1 tablespoon (14.77 mL) to create a milk-like consistency. Once you’ve put 3 heaping tablespoons (42.52 grams) of coconut cream into the bowl, measure out 1 tablespoon (14.77 mL) of water. Diluting the coconut cream creates 1 serving—or ¼ cup (59.15 mL)—of coconut milk. Use the same ratio to create larger quantities of coconut milk. For example, for 4 servings, or 1 cup (240 mL), of coconut milk, mix 4 tablespoons (59.15 mL) of water with 12 tablespoons (170.1 grams) of coconut cream.
Whisk the coconut cream and water.
Use a metal whisk to stir your 2 ingredients into coconut milk. Grab a metal whisk so you can mix up the coconut cream and the water. Use quick, circular motions to “beat,” or blend, the coconut cream and water into coconut milk with a smooth consistency. Alternatively, use a hand mixer to blend the coconut cream and the water.
Transfer your coconut milk to a container.
For cold and refreshing coconut milk, put it in a container you can chill. Take out a container, like a mason jar. Pour your fresh coconut milk into the container. Put a lid on the container and tighten it, then put your coconut milk in the fridge so it's nicely chilled.
Refrigerate your DIY coconut milk for 1-3 days.
Enjoy your tasty beverage while it's fresh. If you'd like crisp and cool coconut milk ASAP, chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes to 2 hours or pour it over ice. If you'd like to use it later, consume it within 3 days. Have fun with all the possibilities for your homemade coconut milk—for example, make an Indian curry or whip up a Thai iced coffee!
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