What is the towel method?
The towel method is an exercise that allegedly slims and defines your jaw. During the exercise, the person working out bites down and makes chewing motions on a folded-up towel. Their goal is to strengthen their neck, chin, and jaw muscles so they will (hopefully) lose fat in these areas and make their jawline appear more defined. This fitness routine was popularized by male TikTok influencers. In their videos, they often show off their snatched jawline after demonstrating the exercise to imply how well the towel method worked for them (as in this TikTok by @iblame.anhtu). Alternatively, they may claim you can get results after using the towel method consistently for only a week (as TikTok user @plainjad does in his viral post with over 7.5 million views).
How to Do the Towel Method
Fold a towel 4-6 times to turn it into a thick layered stack. A hand towel is best since it's small enough to handle easily but large enough to fold in on itself multiple times. You can also reduce the number of folds to 2-3 if the towel is thick, you have a small mouth, or your jaw is too weak to chew on anything large.
Bite down on the towel layers and work your jaw as if you're chewing. Keeping your top teeth securely on the towel, move your jaw up and down to work your neck, facial, and jaw muscles. Repeat this chewing motion 40 times in a single rep. Perform 2 reps total with a break between (as explained by @haidwrr in his TikTok tutorial). You can also perform this exercise on just one side of your teeth if you feel one side of your face needs to be slimmed or strengthened more than the other.
Does the towel method work for the jawline?
Some people see good results while others warn of teeth and jaw issues. Some online users who used the towel method consistently said they noticed an improvement in the strength and shape of their jawline. Others say it can loosen and misalign your teeth. Another potential issue this exercise may cause is a TMJ disorder, which is pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, and ligaments in and around your jaw.
Towel Method Benefits & Risks
The towel method may benefit your jaw by toning and strengthening muscles. When performed consistently, the towel method works on the muscles in your neck and jaw and may make them stronger, more resilient, and more defined. People who combine this and other jaw exercises with a healthy lifestyle and eating habits may also see their facial fat decrease or disappear.
It may also cause pain and misalignment in the teeth and jaw. Biting down on a towel repeatedly can hurt your teeth and potentially cause them to misalign slightly. Over time, you could develop a crooked smile. Furthermore, overworking your jaw muscles can lead to a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder where the joints, muscles, and ligaments in your jaw feel painful and tender. If the towel method isn't for you, there are plenty of other jaw-slimming exercises you can try! The ones listed below are expert-recommended for addressing facial fat concerns and alleviating TMJ pain (and they don't hurt your teeth, either). They're also much gentler and more science-backed than the towel method.
Gentle & Effective Alternative Jaw Exercises
Chin tuck Sit or stand up straight and lightly touch your chin with your index finger. Then pull just your head and neck backwards without moving your finger. Hold that position for at least 10 seconds and then slowly move your head and neck back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for a total of 10 times in a single rep. Do 5-7 reps of this gentle neck exercise in a single day.
Ceiling kiss Tilt your head and neck back until you're looking straight up at the ceiling. Purse your lips in a kissing motion and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Return to your starting position and repeat this movement for a total of 15 times in a rep. Do 2 reps of the ceiling kiss per day.
Jaw stretching In this simple exercise, open your mouth as wide as you can stand it and hold it for 5 seconds. Then slowly close your mouth. Repeat the stretch until you've done it 10 times in a single sitting.
Chewing Chew for 60 seconds at a time. You don't have to have anything in your mouth, but just imagine that you're chewing on something sticky and elastic, like gum or a caramel candy. Change up how wide you open your jaw as you're chewing and the speed with which you chew. Finally, alternate between keeping your mouth open and keeping it closed.
Other Ways to Lose Fat in Your Face
Eat foods that are healthy for your body. A healthy diet is often the first step to losing unwanted fat anywhere in your body – that goes for your face, too! Avoid consuming processed food and beverages with high amounts of sugar, fats, and sodium. Opt instead for balanced meals with protein, fiber, and healthy fats like olive oil. If you have trouble sticking to a healthy eating plan, consult a nutritionist or a dietician who will create a customized plan that meets your dietary needs.
Work out your whole body regularly. You don't necessarily have to perform exercises that target your chin and cheek fat to slim down in that area. In many cases, working out your whole body through weight training, cycling, swimming, and other physical activities will help you trim down all over (and feel better overall).
Get double chin surgery. If diet and exercise aren't getting rid of the fat around your jaw, consider double chin surgery. An experienced plastic surgeon may recommend one of a variety of different procedures. Two popular options are liposuction where the surgeon sucks the fat cells out from under your skin and a chin tuck whereby the surgeon removes and tightens the flabby extra skin hanging around your jaw. Keep in mind that some people have naturally fuller, rounder-looking faces that aren't due to extra weight. This means that even if you exercise and eat healthy, your jawline may never be as edgy and sharp as you want. Learn to embrace your face regardless of whether the fullness around your jaw, chin, and cheeks is due to weight gain or just part of who you are!
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