July 31 marks the end of the month and also the Ashtami tithi of Krishna Paksha in the Shravana month of Vikram Samvat 2078. The day will be Shaniwara, that is Saturday. The last day of the month will also observe Kalashtami, which is a significant festival that falls in every Hindu lunar month during Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha. In a year, there are a total of 12 Kalashtamis. The tithi will begin at 05:40 am on Jul 31 and it will end at 07:56 am on August 01.
Sunrise and Sunset time for July 31
The Hindu Panchang has predicted that on July 31, the sun will rise on 5:42 am and the sun will set at 7:12 pm. The moonrise timing for the day is 11:51 pm and for the moonset, it is 12.24 pm.
Tithi, Nakshatra, and Rashi for July 31
On July 31, the Ashtami tithi will prevail upto full night. The Nakshatra will be Ashwini upto 04:38 pm, followed by Bharani Nakshatra. Today, the sun will be in the Karka Rashi while the moon will remain in the Mesha Rashi.
Auspicious Muhurats on July 31
Though the Ravi Yoga will not prevail today, you can mark the timings for Abhijit Kalam and Brahma Muhurat for your important activities. The timing for Abhijit Kalam will be from 12:00 pm to 12:54 pm, while the Brahma Muhurta will fall between 4:18 am and 05:00 am. The Godhuli Muhurat will begin at 06:59 pm and will end at 07:23 pm.
Inauspicious timings for July 31
The Rahu Kalam today will commence at 09:04 am and will conclude at 10:46 am. The Gulikai Kalam will prevail between 05:42 and 07:23 am. Though the Vidaal Yoga will not prevail today, the timing for Aadal Yoga will be from 04:38 pm to 05:42 am on August 01. The Yamaganda will also prevail between 02:08 pm and 03:50 pm
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