New Delhi: In a shocking incident, an 18-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her sister-in-law's father and later when the girl fled, she was abducted and sexually assaulted by three men in a moving car in south Delhi, police said today.
The incident was reported from south Delhi on Friday. The victim studies in a school in Gurgaon, a senior police official said.
She was first raped allegedly by her sister-in-law's father in Vasant Vihar.
"She fled from the house after she was raped allegedly by her sister-in-law's father and was waiting for any vehicle on Mahipal Pur road. She was abducted by three persons and gang-raped in a moving car," the official said.
The girl was then left at around 4 am on Saturday on a secluded place in Dwarka Sector-19.
"She raised an alarm there and a PCR team patrolling nearby locality chased the car and one of the accused who was driving the car Vijender was arrested," the official said.
A case has been registered on the basis of the statement given by the victim.
Police have arrested the girl's 45-year-old relative and the three occupants of the cab.
(With additional information from PTI)
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