Both the gold and silver prices on Thursday, February 18 witnessed a sharp decline as the cost of one gram of 22-carat gold stood at Rs 4,569 from Rs 4,623 after a decline of Rs 54. Similarly, the price of 10 grams of 22-carat-gold stood at Rs 45,690, declining by Rs 540. According to Good Returns, the rate of 24-carat gold also decreased following the market trend as for 10 grams, the price is Rs 46,690, down by Rs 540. People who want to buy 24-carat gold will have to pay Rs 1,000 more than that of the price for 22-carat yellow metal.
The rate of metal also changes in different cities of the country depending on the national trend. Know the details here:
Delhi: The price of 22-carat gold stood at Rs 45,900 per 10 grams in the national capital. Whereas for buying 10 grams of 24-carat gold, one will have to pay Rs 50,070.
Chennai: For 22-carat gold, you will have to pay Rs 43,940 per 10 grams, while for 24-carat gold, the rate is Rs 47,940.
Kolkata: The cost of 22-carat gold is Rs 46,170 in the city, while it is Rs 48,870 for 24-carat gold.
Mumbai: The price of 22-carat gold in Mumbai is Rs 45,690, while you will have to pay Rs 46,690 for 24-carat gold.
International Price of Gold
In the international market, the rate of gold increased by 0.35 percent to USD 1,782.10 per ounce on Thursday. Whereas, in the last 30 days, the performance of gold has declined by 3.01 percent, which is equivalent to USD 55.30.
Silver prices in India
You will have to spend an amount of Rs 696 per 10 grams for buying silver ornaments or jewellery on Thursday, as the prices of the metal decreased by Rs 6 from the earlier rate of Rs 702.
Silver rates in Metro Cities
The rate of the metal in major metro cities including Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata remained the same for one kilogram of silver i.e. Rs 69,600. Whereas, in Chennai and Hyderabad, you need Rs 73,600 for the same.
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