Initiate Dialogue in Namma Metro Union Dispute, Karnataka HC Tells State Govt
Initiate Dialogue in Namma Metro Union Dispute, Karnataka HC Tells State Govt
The Karnataka High Court has given both parties 10 days for further negotiations and has also asked the state to submit a report through the advocate general before the next hearing on June 19.

Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court on Monday instructed the Bangalore Metro Rail Employees Union (BMREU) to put on hold its call for an indefinite strike by at least 10 days.

The HC has asked the BMRCL to get the state government involved in the negotiations.

The court has asked for the Chief Secretary or Additional chief secretary of the state to initiate meetings between the two parties and come up with an amicable solution. All this, after bilateral talks between the management and employees, going on for the past three months, remained inconclusive.

The BMREU had called for an indefinite strike starting June 4, if their demands were not met. To counter the call for strike, BMRCL in turn send out letters to employees suggesting disciplinary action, including suspension, against those who would participate in the strike.

The Karnataka High Court has given both parties 10 days for further negotiations and has also asked the state to submit a report through the advocate general before the next hearing on June 19.

The court has also instructed BMRCL not to take coercive action against the protesting employees.

The union had first called for a strike back on March 29 submitting a charter of demands which included issues related to salary hikes and working conditions of its 900-odd employees. After four meetings and even intervention by the regional labour commissioner appointed by the Centre, BMRCL could not agree to any of the demands put forth by the union.

In defense, BMRCL said that many of the demands had financial implications and as the state was gearing up for elections and was under the model code of conduct, they weren't in the capacity to facilitate them.

In order that the common man isn't inconvenienced, the BMRCL had also brought in employees from Kochi metro to oversee operations here in Bengaluru, in case the union carried on with the strike. For now, as per the courts mandate BMRCL, BRMEU and the state will have to come together between June 8-18 and make some headway and submit before the high court.

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