Police beat up several labours from Bihar, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh in Srinagar on Saturday morning.
Srinagar: In a controversial decision, the Jammu and Kashmir police have asked hundreds of labour from outside the state to leave.
The police say the labour are involved in criminal activities across the state.
Early on Saturday morning police beat up several labour from Bihar, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh at the main city square of Ram Bagh.
"Police came and started beating us up unnecessarily," a plumber Hemant Kumar Sharma said.
"I want to ask the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister should we work or go back," another labour Biresh Singh said.
Later in the day workers marched on the streets of Srinagar in protest.
An estimated two-lakh labour work in brick kilns, as masons, carpenters and plumbers in Kashmir.
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