KRISHNAGIRI: Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal, seer of the Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt, has opposed the anointment of Nithyananda as the junior pontiff of the Madurai Adheenam. The Kanchi seer, who was here to release Panchangam for the ‘Nandana’ year prepared by Tamil Nadu Brahmins Association, told reporters that Madurai Adeenam was one of the oldest mutts in India and had been headed by famous saints like Thirgnana Sambandar. The pontiffs of Madurai Adheenam should tonsure their head and wear rudraksha. Nithyananda, who has hair on his head, becoming pontiff of Madurai Adheenam is not acceptable on this ground. Apart from this, he also was in news for some unwanted reasons sometime back. Considering all these, he said Nithyananda anointment as pontiff of Madhurai Adheenam was not acceptable. He said the current ‘Nandana’ year will give happiness to people. Nandana means spiritual, he added. Nityananda was anointed as 293rd ‘Guru Maha Sannidhanam’ of the Madurai Adheenam recently which has incurred the wrath of various Hindu religious mutts and outfits. A petition against his anointment has been filed in the Madras High Court. He was arrested in Karnataka last year on charges of his alleged sex scandal with actress Ranjitha.
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