BHUBANESWAR: More than 120 youths of the villages in the periphery of the Sukinda Chromite Mine have gained employment in the past one year following skill upgradation and employability interventions by the Tata Steel Rural Development Society.The TSRDS, in association with Chennai-based Pan IIT Alumni Reach for India, provided training in welding to over 30 local youths who have found engagement with the BHEL Small and Medium industries Association in Tamil Nadu.Seven youths were provided training in plastic processing machine operators by CIPET, Bhubaneswar, and have been employed by a Ahmedabad-based auto component manufacturer. As many as 21 site safety supervisors have been absorbed by registered vendors of Tata Steel.The TSRDS has also partnered with L&T to impart training in carpentry, bar bending, masonry and electrical trades to under matric, and college dropouts.
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