BHUBANESWAR: Setting a target to increase seed replacement rate to 25 per cent, the Agriculture Department has planned to conduct block-level demonstrations of rice in 150 locations covering all the districts. “The objective is to improve the seed replacement rate through scientific crop management under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY) for higher productivity,” said a senior officer of the Directorate of Agriculture and Food Production. According to the department, 80,000 quintals of certified seeds will be used for block demonstration of rice which is designed to promote hybrid rice technology. Meanwhile, the State Government has supplied over a lakh quintal of certified paddy seeds to the farmers. The department has set a target to supply 5.89 lakh quintal seeds against the actual requirement of 24 lakh quintal. The Government had supplied 4.29 lakh quintals of quality seeds to the farmers last year against a target of 6.28 lakh quintal. While distribution of seeds was uneven, there were allegations of blackmarketing of certified seeds by the Government agencies. The Government, which decentralised the distribution of certified seeds this year by involving primary agricultural cooperative societies (PACSs) and private traders, is confident of meeting the target before June 10 __ normal monsoon date with the State. Sources in the department said the targeted supply of certified seeds will be met from internal sources. Recently, the Government directed the Agriculture Department to prepare an action plan for production of quality seeds under RKVY. A technical committee, consisting of scientists from OUAT and technical officers from the department, in a report to the State Government has said hybrid varieties of seeds are suitable for agro-climatic conditions of the State. Good varieties of hybrid seeds should be made available to farmers, and extension officers of the department should explain to the farmers which variety of seed is suitable to soil conditions of respective agro-climatic zones, the committee said. It has been further suggested by the committee to use Rajiv Seva Kendras (common service centres) for creating awareness among the farmers about the use of high- yielding varieties of seeds and making the farmers shift from traditional methods to farm mechanisation through audio-visuals. The department has undertaken soil mapping for major and micro nutrients in a big way and this is likely to be completed by August 12. The department has been asked to take the assistance of OUAT scientists to conduct a scientific study on the use of fly ash in treatment of soil acidity and development of degraded soil.
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