Royal Nepal Army: a royal mess?
Royal Nepal Army: a royal mess?
Sixty per cent of the army has seen less than four years of service, and the top brass has never seen a battle.

As the political forces in Nepal seek to close ranks against the monarchy, it brings into focus the 93,000-strong Royal Nepal Army.

Observers say that the Army is the most important factor propping up the Palace.

The Nepalese Army is known to be absolutely loyal to the Palace. About 40,000 of its 93,000 troops are deployed to secure the Kathmandu Valley, the seat of the monarchy.


But the Army's capability to defeat the Maoists is suspect. It is ill-trained and ill-equipped, and has been able to establish the Palace's writ only in the urban centres.

"With that influence that they command, they have no strength," A K. Verma, former Director, Research and Analysis Wing ( RAW), India's intelligence agency says.

Sixty per cent of the Army has seen less than four years of service. The senior leadership has never seen battle.

Its capability has been further reduced by India cutting off supply of lethal equipment.

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