Understanding Of God
I firmly believe in the existence of god. He is the answer to most questions that I don’t find easy answers to. My belief does not stem from fear or expectations, but out of surrender.
Faith in Miracles
I don’t believe in miracles. But, I do find that randomness pervades our lives. I can’t explain randomness, but I will not mistake randomness for miracles simply because I can’t explain it.
Religious Practices
My belief in practices is restricted to how I do my duty. I don’t spend any specific time in practicing religiosity as a discipline. My karma is my religious practice and I don’t try to go beyond that. Rituals are not for me.
Spiritual Belief
I feel that spirituality is something we find within ourselves. One feels spirituality when we are around people who are spiritually evolved or when we imbibe their thoughts. Our spiritual beliefs grow with us and give us what we need.
Take on meditation
I like meditation because it takes the mind away to a state when you think of nothing. While I would love to meditate very regularly, my restless energies keep me busy with work and reading.
Favourite Pilgrimage spots
I don’t exactly have any favourite spots. I do visit temples when I travel to a destination. But, I don’t specifically visit places with the sole object of visiting temples. I like temple architecture and am fascinated by how evolved our ancestors were in building such monuments that have stood the test of time.
(Shyam Sekharis a Chief Ideator & Mentor at Ithought)
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