Chef's Recipe: Gatta Curry
Chef's Recipe: Gatta Curry
Today, we share with you the recipe of Gatta Curry, the one Indian delicacy you cannot afford to miss when you visit Kathputli Restaurant.

Much like its cities, Rajasthani fare also has its own attractiveness and uniqueness. If the cities offer the visitors a glimpse of the glorious history, and an insight into the lives of warriors, their untold tales of romance and acts of valor, the food also has a lot to say about the water starved region.

Today, we share with you the recipe of Gatta Curry, the one Indian delicacy you cannot afford to miss when you visit Kathputli Restaurant.



Besan: 200 gm

Oil: 1 tbl spoon

Dahi: 2 tbl spoon

Soda: 1 pinch

Salt to taste


Tomatoes: 3 - 4 (medium sized)

Green chilli: 3 pcs

Fresh dhania: 2 tbl spoon (chopped)

Oil: 2 tbl spoon

Hing: 1 pinch

Ginger: 25g juliennes

Dahi: ½ cup

Cream: 50 gm

Jeera: ½ tea spoon

Haldi powder: ¼ tea spoon

Dhania powder: 1 tea spoon

Lal mirch powder: ¼ tea spoon

Garam masala - ¼ tea spoon

Salt to taste


Step 1: Sieve besan in a bowl and add oil, salt, dahi and soda to it and mix well with some water, like dough.

Step 2: Keep the dough aside for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Make 3 inch long & ½ inch thick rolls from this dough.

Step 4: Boil water in a pot, add these gatta rolls into boiling water and let them remain in it for 15 minutes.

Step 5: Take out after 15 minutes. When the gatta rolls are hard/ cooked, use the remaining water in the curry.

Step 6: Cut into ½ inch pieces after they have cooled down. They are ready to be used in the curry.


Step 1: Grind to a paste: tomatoes, green chilli, ginger.

Step 2: Mix dahi & cream separately in another bowl.

Step 3: Heat oil in a pan. Once it is hot, add hing, jeera and saute till brown. Later add haldi, dhania powder.

Step 4: Add the tomato paste to the hot pan and stir well.

Step 5: Also add dahi and cream mixture to the hot bhuna masala. Mix well. Later, add lal mirch powder and stir till the masala separates from oil.

Step 6: Add the water left from the boiling gatta to this above pan & mix well to a smooth curry.

Step 7: Add more water if needed. Add the gatta pieces to this curry and boil for 2-3 minutes. Garnish with chopped dhania.

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