Dark Underarms? Use These Simple Methods To Fight Discolouration At Home
Dark Underarms? Use These Simple Methods To Fight Discolouration At Home
From sugar and olive oil to aloe vera gel, here are some home remedies for dark armpits.

Several people often miss salon sessions and opt for shaving their armpit hair at home. However, the constant practise may lead to discolouration in the area, which can also come as embarrassment at times. It’s always better to go for waxing as it removes the hair from the root and leaves underarms lighter and softer.

However, you can get rid of the discolouration by trying these simple methods at home.

Sugar and Olive Oil:

You can take the help of sugar and olive oil to remove the blackness. Take two tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and mix one tablespoon of sugar in it. Scrub the mixture slowly on your underarms. Leave it on for ten minutes and then wash it off with plain water. Repeat this process thrice a week, and you will see the difference.

Cucumbers Juice:

Take cucumber juice or a slice and rub it on the darkened area every day for 3-4 minutes. Leave the juice for ten minutes, then wash it off with water. Repeat this process continuously for fifteen days, you will get rid of this problem.

Aloe vera gel

Apply the gel on the affected area and massage it with light hands for some time. Leave it on for ten-fifteen minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. If you want, you can peel the aloe vera leaf from the middle and scrub its gel part on the underarms. Repeat this process up to four times a week, the discolouration will end gradually.

Potato Juice

Due to its bleaching properties, potato juice will act like magic. Grind a potato and extract its juice. Apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes then wash it off with water. If you want, you can cut the potato from the middle and rub it directly on the underarms with light hands. Repeat the process three to four times a week to see the change.

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