Most People Die Of Heart Attacks During Winter Especially During Christmas and New Year
Most People Die Of Heart Attacks During Winter Especially During Christmas and New Year
Dr Abhijit Khadtare, Cardiologist at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune explains how most people die of heart attacks during winter

As the winter holidays approach, the specter of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) looms large, with heart attacks taking a particularly high toll during this festive season. The prevalence of heart-related fatalities peaks during the winter months, especially around Christmas and New Year, constituting a significant global health concern. The reasons behind the heightened occurrence of heart attacks are manifold and the factors contributing to strokes and heart attacks are increasing. It is important to devise strategies for indulging responsibly, and keep a check on other health hazards that go beyond cardiovascular concerns during the holiday season and take necessary precautions.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading global cause of death, responsible for approximately 17.3 million fatalities in 2022, accounting for 30% of total global deaths. Notably, there is a seasonal fluctuation in the rates of illness and death from CVDs in both the northern and southern hemispheres, with a heightened occurrence during the winter months, particularly around Christmas and New Year. This variation is associated with various risk factors, including temperature, physical activity, air pollution, infections, and dietary habits.

The increase in heart attacks during the winter holiday season can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, exposure to cold weather activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to an elevation in heart rate, blood pressure, and blood vessel constriction, placing strain on the hearts of individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions. Secondly, lifestyle changes during holiday festivities, such as increased consumption of food and alcohol, reduced exercise, and heightened stress from travel and social commitments, can worsen existing cardiovascular risks.

Additionally, the winter season’s shorter daylight hours and reduced sunlight contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), linked to increased inflammation and depression, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. Air pollution tends to be higher in winter, exacerbating lung conditions and adversely affecting cardiovascular health.

Understanding the role of environmental and biological factors can enhance prevention measures and educational strategies, especially for individuals at risk of cardiovascular diseases. People should be informed about the heightened cardiovascular risk during colder seasons and educated on the importance of regular physical activity and proper winter attire. Additionally, promoting healthy dietary habits, including adequate vitamin D intake and low-fat diets, is crucial. Effective management of hospital resources is also essential during winter to prevent bed crises

How to Enjoy All Indulgences Without Cutting Back:

Indulging in festive celebrations without compromising heart health involves moderation and mindful choices. Opt for smaller portions of high-fat, high-sugar foods and limit alcohol intake. Choose healthier alternatives such as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Remaining physically active through activities like brisk walking or dancing helps counteract the negative effects of overeating and sedentary behavior. Adequate sleep (7-8 hours per night) is crucial for overall health and cardiovascular well-being. Managing stress through activities like yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature is also recommended.

Other Health Hazards During Christmas and New Year Week:

Beyond heart-related concerns, the holiday season brings additional health hazards. Increased risk of accidents is associated with alcohol consumption, travel fatigue, and changes in routine during Christmas and New Year celebrations. Improper food handling and storage at holiday gatherings can lead to foodborne illnesses, emphasizing the importance of food safety. The pressure to create a perfect holiday may contribute to anxiety and depression, highlighting the need for mental health awareness and support during this time.

Winter risks extend beyond heart health, encompassing a range of factors that impact overall well-being during the festive season. Awareness of these potential dangers and the adoption of healthy habits enable individuals to enjoy the holidays safely. By understanding the interplay of environmental and lifestyle factors, people can navigate the winter months with a focus on cardiovascular health and overall wellness, ensuring a positive start to the new year.

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