These 5 Yoga Asanas Can Increase Your Bone Density and Help Fight Osteoporosis
These 5 Yoga Asanas Can Increase Your Bone Density and Help Fight Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis means weakening of bones and might also lead to physical disability in older adults

There are endless perks of making yoga a part of your daily routine. From improving body functions to reducing stress and maintaining the overall well-being of an individual, yoga is a lifesaver. As you become regular with yoga, you will feel that your muscles, bones, and joints are becoming stronger and more flexible. Comparatively, you will experience fewer injuries and pain. Practitioners also vouch that yoga helps to build muscles mass and maintain muscle strength. This further protects the individual from conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and back pain. Osteoporosis means weakening of bones and might also lead to physical disability in older adults.

Taking medication is not the only way out. Yoga can also help you in preventing such situations and even overcome them. Here are 5 yoga asanas you can practice for improving your bone density:

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Take the position of Ashwasanchalanasan, a low lunge posture in which hands are stationed at the ground while the chest is lifted up, while your right leg is in between your palms. Now drop your left heel down and straighten both the knees. Raise the right arm and bring both arms in one line. Look up at your right palm and after holding it for a while, repeat it on the other side.

Vajrasana in Prana Mudra (Thunderbolt Pose)

Drop your knees down and rest your pelvis on your heels. Hold Prana Mudra, which is done with the help of both the hands. Tips of ring plus little finger will be joined by the tip of the thumb, while all other fingers must be extended straight.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Stretch your legs forward and extend your arms upward and keep your spine erect. Exhale and bend forward at the hip and try placing your upper body on your lower body. Gradually, lower your arms and grip your big toes with your fingers. If possible, try touching your knees with your nose.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Stand straight, and slowly lift your right leg off the floor. Balance your body weight on your left leg and place the right leg on the left thigh. Once you strike balance, join your palms in Pranam Mudra. Hold this posture for as long as possible.

Veera Bhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

Form Ashwasanchalanasan, right leg between your palms, lift your arms up, and the palms should face each other. Back should be straight and arms should be in contact with the ears. Now, look straight ahead and hold it for a while. Repeat on the other side.

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