From Scrap To Fresh Tread, Watch How The Old Tires Get A New Life
From Scrap To Fresh Tread, Watch How The Old Tires Get A New Life
The damaged upper part of the tire is cut and removed before workers attach a plain sheet which is then put in a huge machine for 5 hours.

Retread tires, commonly known as recap tires, play a crucial role in extending the lifespan of used tires through a meticulous restoration process. Modern tire manufacturers are increasingly designing tires with future retreading in mind, utilising intact casings in good condition that can undergo rejuvenation with a fresh tread, often more than once.

The importance of retreading is underscored by the environmental impact of discarded tires, which can take thousands of years to decompose. In India alone, over 1 lakh tires are removed from vehicles annually, contributing to the growing issue of tire waste. Moreover, a substantial portion of waste tires is imported from other countries, emphasizing the global nature of the problem.

Amid this concern, a viral video showcasing the retreading process of scrap tires has gained widespread attention. Shared on the Twitter page ‘Interesting Asf’ on the social media platform X, the video reveals the intricate steps involved in transforming a damaged tire into a seemingly brand-new one.

The video begins with the removal of the damaged upper part of the tire, followed by the attachment of a plain sheet. The tire is then placed in a substantial machine, where it undergoes a five-hour process. Upon extraction from the machine, the transformation is evident as a fully rejuvenated tire emerges.

The video has left netizens astonished, challenging preconceived notions about tire disposal. The revelation that tires can undergo such a remarkable reclamation process has garnered immense interest and views.

However, misconceptions about tire recycling persist on social media, with some asserting that rubber, once used in tires, cannot be made new through melting. To address such concerns, experts clarify that worn-out tires are not simply discarded but are taken to factories where they undergo a controlled process. This process involves burning the tires to separate iron wires, extracting oil, and repurposing the remaining burnt ash in cement production.

Experts emphasise the importance of recycling scrapped tires rather than contributing to environmental degradation by improper disposal. The video serves as a powerful testament to the potential for sustainable practices in tire management, encouraging viewers to reconsider the lifecycle of these essential but often overlooked components.

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