8 Weight Loss Spells for Health & Happiness
8 Weight Loss Spells for Health & Happiness
We all wish there was a “magic solution” for weight loss, but could a spell actually be the answer? At the end of the day, exercise and a healthy diet are the only scientifically proven ways to lose weight. But still, tons of people in the magical community do swear by weight loss spells to get results. So if you're interested in experimenting with supernatural fitness strategies, we'll walk you through absolutely everything you need to know below. Plus, we'll also include magical rituals that can help you stay positive and feel confident on your journey. Let's start casting spells!

Rituals & Spells for Weight Loss

Monthly meditative candle ritual Gather unscented black or white tea candles, one unscented stick candle, ground ginger, whole peppercorns, and coffee essential oil. Sprinkle the ginger over the tea candles, then add 3-5 peppercorns on top of each one. Then, light the stick candle and hold it so the wax drips onto the tea candles, “sealing in” the ginger and peppercorns. While the wax is still wet, add a few drops of coffee essential oil and let the wax cool completely. Each month, for the first five nights of the waning moon (when the moon becomes smaller after being full), burn the tea candles and meditate on your body losing fat and becoming healthier. This ritual helps your spirit and mind gain clarity over your goals and allows you to reflect on your progress and motivation. Ginger inspires confidence and boosts your spell intention, while peppercorns fight self-doubt. The coffee scent inspires creativity, energizes you, and suppresses your appetite.

Candle journaling ritual Gather a gray candle, sunflower petals (for beauty), powdered lemon peel (for happiness), candle dressing oil, a candle holder, and several pieces of paper. First, create a sigil on one sheet of paper. A sigil is simply an image or phrase that reflects your intention—you don’t have to be an artist or a poet as long as you put in your best effort. Then, grind together the sunflower petals and lemon peel with a spice grinder, wet your candle in oil, and roll the candle in the ground ingredients until it’s evenly coated. Put your candle in the holder and place the holder on top of your sigil. Then, light the candle. As the candle burns, journal about how good you’ll feel once you achieve your weight loss goal. Keep things positive and focus on the joy of living your life in your new body (not the negativity or insecurity you’re leaving behind). Write as much as feels right or until the candle burns out. If it’s a large candle, try putting it out and re-lighting it to journal some more whenever you need extra motivation. This ritual helps you feel harmony with your body and get excited for the future. It motivates your spirit to look forward instead of getting caught up in the negativity you might feel right now.

Candle charm spell During a waning moon (representing your shrinking body), gather a pink candle (for self-love), a small pouch, and about 1 teaspoon (4 g) each of ground ginger, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon. Light your candle and visualize yourself being happy and free from your excess weight for a few minutes. Then, combine the spices in the pouch. Move the pouch in a counterclockwise circle around the candle 3 times while saying the following: “Burn away the excess weight. Fire, my fat eliminates.” Carry your spice pouch with you, especially when you’re eating a meal. If you feel your motivation slipping, sprinkle a pinch of the spices near you and repeat the mantra in your head. Refill the pouch as necessary. This ritual gives you something physical to hold and come back to to help you stay motivated through your weight loss journey.

Aromatic candle ritual Choose a candle of any color that speaks to you or represents you, as well as grapefruit essential oil (or another scent you prefer, like lemon or bergamot). Dab the oil onto the candle and place it near a window that receives good light in the mornings. Each morning, meditate on your weight loss goal for a moment, then light the candle and say the following: “In the light of day, my determination won’t sway. Healthy weight be mine, in this candle shine.” Let the candle burn for a few minutes, then put it out. Repeat this ritual as often as you like, replacing the candle with a new one whenever it runs out. This ritual gives you a daily boost of motivation and some time to reflect on your progress. Certain scents, like grapefruit, also help give you mental clarity and energy.

Spell to Aid Visualization

Knot Spell Grab a string of black embroidery floss cut to the size of your waist. Then, take the floss outdoors as the sun is setting and spend a moment reflecting on the reasons you’re struggling to lose weight (for example, emotional eating or strong cravings). When your intuition tells you you’re ready, tie 9 evenly spaced knots in the floss and speak these mantras, visualizing yourself overcoming your weight loss obstacles: 1st knot: “By knot of one, I now ignite a reduction in my appetite.” 2nd knot: “By knot of two, my metabolism becomes an active mechanism.” 3rd knot: “By knot of three, I bind desire for unhealthy foods; it now expires.” 4th knot: “By knot of four, I bind the urge to binge and gobble, gorge, and splurge.” 5th knot: “By knot of five, inertia goes, and exercise, I don't oppose.” 6th knot: “By knot of six, all excess weight is bound to quickly dissipate.” 7th knot: “By knot of seven, I resist servings larger than two fists.” 8th knot: “By knot of eight, insecurity goes. Self-worth buds and blooms and grows.” 9th knot: “By knot of nine, I bind setbacks so I stay easily on track.” Finally, tie the two ends of the floss together and visualize yourself reaching your goal weight and feeling self-love. Recite the following (commas inserted for flow): “By final knot, I set this spell, so each and every single cell, of my body and my mind, works together now to bind, me to this weight-loss strategy, and a healthy ideology, until of excess pounds I’m free. As I will, so mote it be.”

Spells to Boost Your Self-Love

Affirmation Spell (to boost your confidence) Look at yourself in a full-length mirror each morning before beginning your day or doing a morning workout. Take in your whole self—the features you love, as well as the “flaws” you perceive. See yourself as a divine, beautiful being, remembering that there’s no such thing as “perfection.” Take a deep breath and repeat the following affirmations at least 3 times (and up to 13 times) until it becomes a chant: “I am beautiful. I am loved. I am healthy. I am strong. I am a Goddess.” As you chant, increase your energy and send your intentions to love and improve yourself into the universe. As you perform this ritual each day, you’ll begin to see yourself as more beautiful and worthy of happiness and love, motivating you to lose weight for yourself and your health (and not for anybody else).

Burning Ritual (to reduce negative energy) Grab a picture of yourself that makes you feel unconfident, unhealthy, or unhappy and light a fire in a fire pit, fireplace, or in a fireproof bowl. Then, use a permanent marker to write all of the things that make you feel bad about yourself on the picture (for example, negative self-talk like “I’m ugly” or “Nobody likes me”). Take a deep breath and feel those negative thoughts leaving your mind and entering the photo. After a moment, take another deep breath and toss the photo into the fire. Imagine the fire as a purifying agent—it’s burning away all of the negativity you’ve been holding onto and clearing the way for you to move forward in a healthy, positive, self-loving way. Let yourself feel light and free once the photo is burned. It's time to live your life to the fullest and be the healthiest, happiest you that you can be!

Ritual to Overcome Obstacles

Full Moon Ritual On the day of a full moon, handwrite a list of obstacles standing in the way of your weight loss journey. Include anything you can think of, from stress or binging to circumstances that encourage overeating, like food-centric family gatherings. When night falls and the full moon is out, go outside with your list, a piece of cloth, and a black crystal (like onyx or obsidian) that’s small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Set your crystal on the cloth and read each item on your list out loud, imagining yourself “pushing” each obstacle into the crystal. Follow your urges to shout or repeat your list—whatever makes you feel like you’re actively transferring negative energy into the crystal. When you’re finished, wrap the crystal in the cloth without touching it (otherwise, you risk accepting back all the negativity you just released). Bury the cloth and crystal in a spot they won’t be disturbed, and walk away without looking back. This ritual helps you put your weight loss obstacles behind you and affirms that you have the personal power to change your circumstances and achieve your goals.

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