BitLife: What A STEM Degree Is and How to Get One
BitLife: What A STEM Degree Is and How to Get One
Are you trying to become an astronaut in BitLife but you're not sure what a STEM degree is? In the BitLife astronaut career, you may get denied when applying to the Space Agency because you don't have a STEM degree. STEM is an acronym that stands for "science, technology, engineering, and mathematics," so any degree that falls into these categories will work for this requirement. Keep reading to learn how to get a STEM degree in BitLife.
What a STEM Degree Is in BitLife

STEM Degree Meaning

STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It's an acronym used to describe these four degree areas both in real life and in BitLife. To get a STEM degree, you just need a degree in one of those four areas; it's not a special type of degree or certificate.

How to Get a STEM Degree in BitLife

Progress through a new life as usual. Put your character through elementary and high school. For a higher chance at success, do these activities while you're aging up your character: Read books or do other activities that raise your Smarts if it's not already at 100%. Participate in school clubs relating to science, technology, engineering, or math. Cultivate a good relationship with your character's parents to increase the chance of them paying for your university tuition. Get good grades in school or participate in a school sport to increase the chances of getting a university scholarship. Work a part-time job while in school to save up money for college tuition.

Select a STEM degree when applying for university. The following BitLife degrees qualify as STEM degrees. If none of these degrees are available when applying to university, age your character up one year and try again. Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics Technology: Computer Science, Information Systems Engineering: Engineering Mathematics: Mathematics

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