How to Clean a Swamp Cooler
How to Clean a Swamp Cooler
Swamp coolers provide cool air through water evaporation. This method of cooling saves more energy than using an air conditioner. You should clean your unit at least once each year. To clean your swamp cooler, take it apart and clean the inside and water reservoir, check the mechanical parts, and change the pads.

Cleaning the Reservoir

Remove the panels and take out the fiber pads. Unplug the cooler and turn off the water. Then remove the panels. Once the panels are removed, take out the used fiber pads.

Drain the water out of the swamp cooler. Open the drain plug if the swamp cooler has one. Allow the water to drain out. If there is no plug, siphon the water out with a hose. If you have a portable swamp cooler, make sure you drain the water outside and not inside your house. For window-mounted swamp coolers, you can leave it mounted in the window and let it drain outside the window. You may also choose to unmount it for maintenance and then put it back in the window.

Brush out the inside of the swamp cooler. Use a stiff brush or broom to sweep the inside of the swamp cooler. After you brush the debris and dirt loose, use a small vacuum that can be used on wet and dry surfaces to vacuum up the dirt. Debris can get inside the water pan. This can cause blockages that stop up the cooler, and may lead to unclean water cycling through it.

Soak the reservoir with vinegar. To clean the water reservoir, pour distilled white vinegar inside it. Let the vinegar sit in the water reservoir for an hour. You can also rinse the water tank with mild soap and warm water. Rinse the water tank well. When the time is up, drain the vinegar or soapy water into a bucket.

Scrub the water reservoir. Use a scrub brush or cloth to clean the bottom of the water reservoir. Make sure to remove all stains and buildup, scrubbing harder if necessary. Rinse the water reservoir with clean water after you finish scrubbing.

Reassembling the Cooler

Check the mechanical parts. While you have the swamp cooler apart, use a few drops of lubricating oil on the motor and fan. Use a few drops to lubricate the parts. You should also check the fan belt. Make sure there is tension and it is not sagging. The fan belt should only move about half an inch.

Install fresh fiber pads. Cut new fiber pads from the padding roll using shears. Use the old fiber pads you pulled out at the beginning to cut the shape of the new pads. Install the pads in the same places you removed them.

Refill the reservoir. Cut the water back on. Let the water reservoir refill.

Replace the panels. Double check to ensure the panels are properly attached. Then, plug the cooler back in and turn it on. Check to make sure the pump and fan are working.

Maintaining Your Swamp Cooler

Wipe down the outside of the cooler. Every few weeks, you should clean the outside of the swamp cooler. Turn off the unit. Use a damp cloth to clean off the outside of the unit. Just use water. Don't use any harsh chemicals that may cause damage.

Check the pads every few months. Cooling pads may only need to be changed twice each year, once at the beginning of the season and once in the middle of the season. However, pads may wear out faster. If you swamp cooler smells bad, or if the local water quality is lower, you may need to replace the pads more often. Check the pads every few months to look for cracks and overall poor condition.

Keep the tank off when not in use. During the colder months, you probably will not use the swamp cooler. Make sure when the cooler is not in use that you shut down the entire system. Turn off the cooler and unplug it. Cut off the water supply and then drain all the water. Store the swamp cooler in a cool, dry area in the original carton.

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