Print out the full size image on heavy paper, like cardstock or construction paper. An image can be found at robertsabuda.com. Or, you can click the image at right. Click it again on the new page, so that all you see is the image of the card, and print from there.
Print out the image below in a similar manner with heavy paper.
Lay the card that has the outline of the tree on a flat surface. Take a ruler and line the edge of it up against the center fold line of the card. Use the rounded end of a paper clip (or a ball point pen that has run out of ink) and press it along the dotted line, carefully scoring the card all the way from top to bottom. Score all the other dotted lines on the card as well.
Cut the card out carefully following the solid, black lines around the edges.
Fold the card completely in half with the outline of the tree still visible. Keep the outline of the tree on the outside so that you can see it.
Carefully cut along the solid black lines of the tree.
Fold each of the segments back against the card along the dotted line and crease with your thumb or finger.
Put each segment back in its original position. Then, open the card like a tent and push the segments through to the other side. Turn over to pop them out even more.
Set the Christmas tree card aside and lay the second print out, the backing card, on a flat surface. Take a ruler and line the edge of it up against the center fold line of the backing card and score down the center with your paper clip.
Cut the backing card out carefully following the solid, black lines around the edges.
Fold the backing card in half with the dotted line on the INSIDE. Set this card aside.
Turn over the Christmas Tree card so the dotted outline is visible. Put a thin line of glue along the right side of the card from top to bottom.
Carefully position the backing card, with the dotted line facing down, on top of the Christmas tree card. Take your time, making sure the edges of both cards match up.
Press the cards together, flattening them completely. Your pop-up Christmas Tree card is complete!
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