It's Ramdev's yoga vs Kroto's science
It's Ramdev's yoga vs Kroto's science
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev, recently appointed Bihar's brand ambassador, will take on Nobel Laureate Professor Harry Kroto at a summit.

New Delhi: This one sure promises to be an interesting clash between two schools of thought.

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who has recently been appointed the brand ambassador of Bihar, will take on Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Professor Harry Kroto under the aegis of Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham), India’s leading business chamber.

Ramdev and Kroto will share the Roundtable on Science and Sprituality - Building the Bridge, which would see the participation of leading names in science and technology from all over the world.

It is for the first time that any business chamber is hosting a Yoga and spritual Guru not only to the captains of the Indian industry, but also to scores of scientists and technologists from different parts of the world, including the US, UK, Canada China and Austria.

"We want to convey this message to the global scientific and business leaders that there is no conflict between the science and spirituality. In fact, they strengthen each other," Assocham President Anil K Agarwal said.

Assocham has also reportedly goaded Baba Ramdev to hold a live demonstration of his famed yoga form – the pranayam.


Apart from Baba Ram Dev, the summit will be addressed by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Harry Kroto, minister of science & technology Kapil Sibal, Union minister for defence Pranab Mukherjee, minister of state for finance Pawan, CEO, ITN Energy Systems (Nano Energy), USA Dr Mohan Misra, director general CSIR Dr RA Mashelkar, senior vice president Reliance Industries VS Subramaniam.

Also in attendance would be President of the US-based Nanobiosym, Dr Anita Goel and President of Heseltine Foundation for Medical Science and the Arts, Dr William A Heseltine.

Professor Kroto received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry along with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley for the discovery of C60 Buckminsterfullerene - a new form of carbon. His main research areas include Spectroscopy of Unstable Species and Reaction Intermediates, Astrophysics, Cluster Science and Fullerene Chemistry, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Baba Ramdev is a strong propent of Indian cultural values and his practical approach to Yoga and research in Ayurveda has won him a large follwing throughout India.

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