A series of deliberations with the Director of Medical Education (DME) could not stop junior doctors from going on seven days strike and boycotting emergency medical services.
But, the DME Dr K Vishnu Prasad still stands by the order.
"My message to the striking junior doctors is that they should withdraw the protest and start serving rural patients as an honour to their profession," Prasad said.
The gap in the rural healthcare system can be filled effectively if the medical students are ready to serve in rural and tribal areas, Prasad observed.
“The 85 percent deficit in National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) is due to lack of doctors,” he added.
"There are glitches in the system and we are sorting them out.
But, shunning emergency me d i c a l s e r v i c e s amounts to a violation of the Essential Services Ma int enanc e Ac t (ESMA) and the junior doctors should be aware of it,” said Prasad.
In response to the demands of the doctors for clarity on rural postings including provisions for accommodation, Dr Prasad said the issue should be approached with a sense of responsibility.
"In rural areas, people have to adjust to limited resources.
The issue of accommodation can be resolved by creating a specific room,” he said.
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