India is currently experiencing heat waves and extremely high temperatures. The temperature in many places is recorded at nearly 50 degrees Celsius. The situation is such that it has become difficult for people to leave the house. Severe heat and strong sunlight can also spoil the health of the eyes. In this scorching summer heat, it is very important to protect your vision. Eye problems are increasing this season, and to avoid this, people can use sunglasses. While talking to News18, Dr Tushar Grover, ophthalmologist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, said that going out in extreme heat and strong sunlight can increase the problem of dry eyes and eye allergies. The ultraviolet rays of the sun also affect the eyes badly. Due to the high temperature in this season, tears evaporate and eyes become dry quickly. People who have dry eyes have the most trouble in the summer. In this season, the problem of eye allergies also increases due to dust and sweat.
Tushar Grover said that at this time, people should definitely wear sunglasses when going out of the house. Glasses can reduce the effect of sunlight. UV-protected sunglasses are considered the best for the eyes. These sunglasses have the ability to protect against UV rays. If these sunglasses are not available, then any kind of glasses can be used. This will benefit the eyes while going outside. If you wear spectacles, then you can get photochromic lenses. These lenses turn black when exposed to sunlight and protect the eyes.
According to experts, to protect the eyes from dryness in the summer, drink plenty of water and keep the body hydrated. Wear sunglasses when going out of the house. Apart from this, you can consult an eye specialist doctor and get lubricant eye drops prescribed for you. By using these drops, you can avoid dryness and allergies in the summer. If there is a lot of problem in the eyes, consult a doctor immediately. Any kind of negligence can be dangerous for the most delicate sense organs.
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