Father’s Day 2023: 5 Steps That Will Help New Fathers Cope with Sleep Deprivation
Father’s Day 2023: 5 Steps That Will Help New Fathers Cope with Sleep Deprivation
Father's Day: While caring for a baby can make it difficult to take care of oneself, obtaining enough sleep should be of the first importance

Increased risk of chronic illnesses, depression, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and heart diseases- insufficient sleep can negatively impact emotions and potentially damage parenting abilities. Decreased productivity, slower reaction times, and persistent feelings of daytime drowsiness and exhaustion are a given too.

We know as new parents, your priority is to get your child to sleep well, however, your health and energy levels are equally important. And needless to say, fathers too as caregivers require adequate sleep to feel their best and manage their new responsibility. New dads need to adopt healthy habits to take care of themselves.

Dr. Sibasish Dey, Head of Medical Affairs, South Asia, ResMed shares some suggestions for new fathers on how to sleep better:

  1. Incorporate grounding and unwinding activities into your day

The activities that are done during the day may have an even greater impact on you than what you do shortly before or at bedtime. Establishing an unwinding space and establishing a dependable bedtime routine will help you maintain a comfortable, healthy sleeping environment. Strategies for relaxation can help new fathers unwind while enhancing their sleeping habits.

  1. Diagnosing sleep disorders

Sleep is one of the most basic human needs. The quality of sleep is substantially impacted for many people when they are unable to consistently get adequate sleep because of various illnesses or sleep disorders. The ability to perform both during the day and at night can be hampered by sleep issues. Understanding whether sleep disorders are affecting your sleep health is crucial.

  1. Keep your anxiety and nervousness under check

It may be challenging to fall asleep if you are stressed from the day. To prevent yourself from worrying, especially about things you have no control over, learn to regulate your thinking. Examine your concerns to determine if they are reasonable, and then replace unreasonable anxieties with constructive ideas.

  1. Daytime naps are recommended

The amount of sleep a new born needs throughout the day and night time, this length of the various sleep phases alters over the course of the first year of life. If you need to make up for a few lost hours of sleep, which typically happens in the first months of new born care, consider taking naps when you find time. By doing this, you can repay the sleep debt to a certain extent without interfering with your regular cycle of sleep and wakefulness. However, REM sleep is usually never compensated.

  1. Balance the responsibilities

Balance the duties such that both parents are taking care of the child, and neither is overburdened. Focusing on overall health and wellness will help you sleep better. It is important to take turns taking care of the baby’s feeding, changing, and needs at night.

While caring for a baby can make it difficult to take care of oneself, obtaining enough sleep should be of the first importance. There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance when you need it, therefore do not feel ashamed to ask friends, family, or even hire help if necessary to assist in taking care of the newborn.

By developing appropriate sleeping patterns, one can obtain the sleep they need after having a kid. Talk to your doctor if you have difficulties sleeping in the weeks and months after the baby is born. The full scope of your healthcare requirements can be determined by your physician.

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