'No Bedsheets, Towel': Air India Crew Accommodated At Shabby Hotel
'No Bedsheets, Towel': Air India Crew Accommodated At Shabby Hotel
During a long haul, Air India crew members were recently made to wait for hours before providing a shabby hotel, lacking basic amenities.

While cabin crew members, also known as flight attendants, are responsible for the safety and comfort of passengers, their respective airlines are equally responsible for taking care of their accommodations. At times when flights take long hauls, cabin crew members are allocated to hotels during the layovers, which are paid by the airline itself. These accommodations can be both luxurious and basic to ensure that the crew can catch up on much-needed rest.

However, Air India recently came under fire after its management failed to provide proper accommodations to its crew members. On Wednesday night, some of the members, after landing in Hyderabad during a haul, searched for a hotel for hours. They finally ended up at a shabby place that lacked basic amenities.

An X user shared pictures of the hotel, lashing out at the airline for their failure. “Air India, if you want to be a world class airline, you do not treat your fatigued crew on a scheduled layover flight this way. You simply DO NOT. Hunting/wrestling for hotel rooms for four hours after a flight- and this is what is ‘offered’! No bedsheets, towels, basics??? Those days are over, for sure, but this trade-off is sub-par, she wrote.

The woman also noted that the “sleep-deprived and shabbily treated” cabin crew will hold this grudge, further affecting their working hours. “Dignity cannot be a trade-off for Cost rationalisation. Period,” the post concluded.

In the picture, one can see the room with a single bed with no pillow or bedsheet, along with a small table and chairs by its side. The other is the reception area, which looks quite unorganised. According to PTI, the hotel was actually the airline’s flying training facility, CTE, which is only meant for the staff-in-training and not the cockpit or crew on duty. Admitting that it was a lapse on its end, Air India has assured to take appropriate action.

The post has garnered a lot of reactions on social media, with many slamming the airline. A user wrote, “Just shocking! I can’t believe it’s dropped so low.”

Another commented, “You must be joking! Even the lowest of low cost carriers will not treat its crew so shabbily.”

“Yikes, this seems very shabby. In so many respects, not just the physical appearance. Quite unacceptable,” a comment read.

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