Zero Shadow Day to be Observed in Bengaluru Today: Learn About This Astronomical Phenomenon
Zero Shadow Day to be Observed in Bengaluru Today: Learn About This Astronomical Phenomenon
Zero Shadow Day 2023: Bengaluru is located at a latitude of 13.0 degrees north, which means that it experiences Zero Shadow Day twice a year, on April 25 and August 18.

ZERO SHADOW DAY IN BENGALURU TODAY: Bengaluru will observe Zero Shadow Day today on August 18, the second of the year after April 25. At 12:24 PM, the Sun will align directly overhead, creating a captivating visual phenomenon. This astronomical phenomenon occurs in certain locations on Earth when the Sun is directly overhead and casts no shadow at local solar noon. It happens around the time of the equinoxes, which are the two points in the year when the Sun is directly above the equator.

On Zero Shadow Day, if you were to stand outside at local solar noon, your body would not cast a shadow because the Sun’s rays are coming from directly above, causing objects to be illuminated from all sides equally.

This phenomenon is more noticeable in locations closer to the equator, where the Sun passes more directly overhead during the equinoxes. In cities like Bengaluru (also known as Bangalore), which is located near the 13th parallel north, you can experience it around the time of the equinoxes, which occur in March and September each year.

This is an interesting and educational event for students and anyone interested in astronomy. It helps demonstrate the Earth’s axial tilt and its effect on the angle at which sunlight reaches different parts of the planet throughout the year. It’s also a fun way to observe and learn about the Earth’s relationship with the Sun.

Zero Shadow Day 2023 Bengaluru

It occurs twice a year in places located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Bengaluru is located at a latitude of 13.0 degrees north, which means that it experiences it twice a year, on April 25 and August 18.

The next Zero Shadow Day in Bengaluru will be on April 25, 2024. If you are in Bengaluru today, you can head out to a sunny spot at noon and watch as the sun’s rays create a unique optical illusion.

Zero Shadow Day 2023: Interesting Facts

  1. The sun is not actually directly overhead at noon . It is slightly to the north or south, depending on the latitude of the location.
  2. The sun’s rays are not perfectly parallel even on a sunny day. This is because the atmosphere bends the light rays, causing them to converge slightly.
  3. The event is a popular time for scientists to conduct experiments and make measurements of the sun.

FAQ about Zero Shadow Day

What is Zero Shadow Day?

Zero Shadow Day is a unique astronomical event when the Sun is positioned directly overhead and casts no shadow at solar noon.

When does Zero Shadow Day occur in Bengaluru?

Zero Shadow Day occurs twice a year in places located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Bengaluru is located at a latitude of 13.0 degrees north, which means that it experiences Zero Shadow Day twice a year, on April 25 and August 18.

Why is Zero Shadow Day significant?

Zero Shadow Day demonstrates the Earth’s axial tilt and rotation, providing insights into the Earth’s position relative to the Sun.

How is Zero Shadow Day celebrated?

Zero Shadow Day is celebrated by observing the phenomenon and raising awareness about its scientific and astronomical importance.

Can Zero Shadow Day be observed in other locations?

Yes, Zero Shadow Day occurs in various locations around the world, depending on their geographical coordinates and the Earth’s tilt.

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