225+ Juicy Never Have I Ever Questions to Spice Up Your Game
225+ Juicy Never Have I Ever Questions to Spice Up Your Game
Are you eager to play a game of Never Have I Ever but short on juicy, exciting questions to ask? We can help! Sometimes it’s tough to think of the best thing possible in the spur of the moment, which is why we’ve compiled the ultimate list of questions to ask. From funny to weird and even embarrassing questions, you’ll have a ton of options to choose from—and all of them are 100% juicy as can be!

The Juiciest Questions

Ask these juicy questions to get players to reveal their secrets. What is a juicy question? Well, it’s usually something that’s both fun and thought-provoking. A juicy question can catch the whole group’s attention and inspire ongoing conversation—because the answers to it are just so sensational! Of all the juicy questions in this article, here are some of the all-around juiciest ones you can ask: Never have I ever spied on someone by looking through their phone. Never have I ever committed a crime. Never have I ever been fired from a job. Never have I ever maxed out a credit card. Never have I ever doubted science. Never have I ever snuck into a party I wasn’t invited to. Never have I ever shared someone else’s secret. Never have I ever gotten in trouble for a prank. Never have I ever been somewhere I was sure was haunted. Never have I ever lied to a friend to get out of hanging out with them. Never have I ever been in a physical fight. Never have I ever kept a secret from a best friend. Never have I ever been someone else’s alibi. Never have I ever created a fake social media account. Never have I ever bailed on a blind date. Never have I ever taken money out of my parent’s wallet. Never have I ever shoplifted something. Never have I ever hated someone in my family. Never have I ever lied to someone playing this game. Never have I ever trespassed. Never have I ever had a near-death experience. Never have I ever been jealous of someone else’s success.

Funny Questions

Pose these questions to reveal funny stories from players. Never Have I Ever is always better when laughter is involved! So, ask questions designed to uncover the silliest moments in other players’ lives and get the entire group in stitches. After all, laughter is one of the best mood-boosters around! Use questions such as: Never have I ever tortured a Sims character. Never have I ever climbed out of a window. Never have I ever DMed a celebrity. Never have I ever been told I snore loudly. Never have I ever been on TV. Never have I ever farted in an elevator and pretended it was not me. Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar, club, or party. Never have I ever toilet-papered someone’s house. Never have I ever been locked out of my house. Never have I ever thought a friend’s baby was ugly. Never have I ever gotten seriously hungover. Never have I ever made out with my pillow. Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed myself. Never have I ever trolled someone on social media. Never have I ever thrown a drink at someone. Never have I ever secretly taken a photo of someone. Never have I ever cursed in a place of worship. Never have I ever flirted to get something I wanted. Never have I ever flirted my way out of trouble. Never have I ever binged an entire series in one day.

Spicy Questions

Try these questions to find details that’ll make other players sweat. All the Never Have I Ever questions in this article are juicy, but these are designed to put players in the figurative hot seat—and uncover secrets so deep they’re not just juicy, they’re downright spicy! Just remember that it’s probably better to reserve these for close friends. For example: Never have I ever been dumped over text. Never have I ever kissed more than one person within the same day. Never have I ever done the walk of shame. Never have I ever gotten or given a hickey. Never have I ever stalked someone’s Instagram account. Never have I ever been refused a kiss. Never have I ever told someone who wasn't a family member “I love you.” Never have I ever had a relationship last less than a week. Never have I ever role-played. Never have I ever texted an ex to try and get them back. Never have I ever said “I love you” and not meant it. Never have I ever had a crush on one of my friends. Never have I ever ghosted someone. Never have I ever kissed a stranger. Never have I ever kissed a friend. Never have I ever broken up with someone in a way I regret. Never have I ever had feelings for someone else's partner. Never have I ever had a one-night stand. Never have I ever called a partner the wrong name. Never have I ever had a totally online relationship.

Easy Questions

Ask these questions for a more low-stakes game. If you’re playing with people you aren’t super close to (or you just aren’t in the mood for intense sharing), you can stick to questions that’ll be much easier for you (or any other player) to answer without feeling embarrassed. Never have I ever stayed awake for over 24 hours. Never have I ever climbed a tree. Never have I ever been to a Disney park. Never have I ever met someone famous. Never have I ever sung karaoke. Never have I ever been afraid of a theme park ride. Never have I ever won an award. Never have I ever broken a bone. Never have I ever been skiing. Never have I ever sleepwalked. Never have I ever been on a sports team. Never have I ever been chased by a dog. Never have I ever seen a crocodile in real life. Never have I ever gone traveling by myself. Never have I ever been scuba diving. Never have I ever been part of a school musical. Never have I ever traveled to Europe. Never have I ever Googled myself. Never have I ever gone vegan. Never have I ever been scared of clowns.

Gross Questions

Find out all the icky things people have done with these questions. Do you suspect other players might have some gross stories that haven’t been revealed yet? If you’re not squeamish (and the players don’t mind), try questions such as: Never have I ever licked a public surface to see what would happen. Never have I ever popped someone else’s pimple. Never have I ever peed in a pool. Never have I ever drank milk after its expiration date. Never have I ever sneezed and not covered my mouth. Never have I ever eaten something that was meant for pets. Never have I ever worn something out of my dirty laundry. Never have I ever eaten something after dropping it on the ground. Never have I ever used a public restroom without washing my hands. Never have I ever picked at a scab and ate it. Never have I ever been thrown up on. Never have I ever been caught picking my nose.

Embarrassing Questions

Commiserate over embarrassing moments with these prompts. These questions are a reminder that we all get embarrassed sometimes. Sure, it’s never fun to feel embarrassed—but on a comforting note, it happens to everyone sooner or later, which means everyone is in the same boat. So, don’t be afraid to ask juicy questions that probe into other players’ embarrassing moments, such as: Never have I ever accidentally spit on someone while talking. Never have I ever had food fall out of my mouth while eating. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I did a spit-take. Never have I ever made a mess babysitting and blamed it on the kids. Never have I ever had food stuck in my teeth in public. Never have I ever gotten sick while on public transport. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person. Never have I ever ripped my clothes in public. Never have I ever gone viral for something embarrassing. Never have I ever walked in on someone changing. Never have I ever walked into a glass door. Never have I ever fallen out of a boat. Never have I ever completely ruined a joke I was telling. Never have I ever thrown up on a date. Never have I ever accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom.

Weird Questions

Try out these weird questions to explore the unconventional side of life. How many friends have done or experienced something truly weird or out of the ordinary? Here’s your chance to find out! On your turn in Never Have I Ever, ask a weird question like: Never have I ever licked soap. Never have I ever had a lucid dream. Never have I ever seen a ghost. Never have I ever belched the alphabet. Never have I ever had a nightmare about zombies chasing me. Never have I ever swallowed my gum. Never have I ever gone dumpster diving. Never have I ever bitten my toenails. Never have I ever eaten bugs. Never have I ever fallen up the stairs. Never have I ever had a conversation with an animal. Never have I ever been to a psychic. Never have I ever eaten a flower. Never have I ever been electrocuted. Never have I ever stuck my finger in a birthday cake. Never have I ever seen a dead body. Never have I ever shared my utensils with my dog. Never have I ever tried to run away from home. Never have I ever thought a cartoon character was attractive.

Questions for Friends

Ask deep questions if you're playing with friends. A game among friends is the perfect opportunity to discover things you might not know about each other yet—things that go beyond simple, surface-level topics. After all, the better you know and understand one another, the closer you’ll become as friends! Never have I ever asked someone to do something they didn’t want to do. Never have I ever stayed overnight in the hospital. Never have I ever eaten an entire carton of ice cream. Never have I ever started a hashtag. Never have I ever lost a bet. Never have I ever been stung by a bee. Never have I ever written fan fiction. Never have I ever fainted. Never have I ever poured whipped cream straight into my mouth from the can. Never have I ever saved someone's life. Never have I ever seen a car accident happen in front of me. Never have I ever cut my own hair. Never have I ever had to sleep with the lights on after watching a scary movie. Never have I ever given someone a black eye. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo. Never have I ever been pushed into a pool with all my clothes on. Never have I ever been out of the country. Never have I ever dressed in drag. Never have I ever watched The Kardashians. Never have I ever shaved my head. Never have I ever lost my shoes during a night out. Never have I ever done something just to impress someone.

Questions for a Crush

Use these questions to uncover juicy details about your crush. If you want to get to know your crush better, playing games (especially something like Never Have I Ever) is a great way to break the ice and learn more about them. After all, it’s a game about revealing things you have and haven’t done! With your crush playing, try questions such as: Never have I ever fallen in love with a fictional character. Never have I ever gotten a love letter. Never have I ever broken someone's heart. Never have I ever played Spin the Bottle. Never have I ever been in a police car. Never have I ever used a pick-up line. Never have I ever danced on a table. Never have I ever serenaded someone. Never have I ever broken a promise. Never have I ever seen Star Wars. Never have I ever been put in the friend zone. Never have I ever felt nervous around someone in this room. Never have I ever yelled at a friend's significant other. Never have I ever given a massage. Never have I ever danced in the rain. Never have I ever gotten bored of a relationship. Never have I ever left someone on “read.”

Questions for Kids

Try these kid-friendly questions for a fun, juicy game. From classroom shenanigans to silly pranks, family hijinks, and cool adventures you or your friends may have been on, there are plenty of Never Have I Ever topics to explore. Try kid-friendly questions such as: Never have I ever hidden something from my parents. Never have I ever had an imaginary friend. Never have I ever gotten lost in public. Never have I ever peeked at a present before it was time to open it. Never have I ever cried at school. Never have I ever tripped and fallen while running to catch a ball. Never have I ever gotten a bad haircut. Never have I ever aced a test without studying. Never have I ever snuck out of bed to watch TV or play video games. Never have I ever copied someone else’s homework. Never have I ever made a prank call. Never have I ever skipped washing my hair for more than a week. Never have I ever had my parents embarrass me in front of my friends. Never have I ever pretended to be asleep when someone was trying to wake me up. Never have I ever read my sibling’s diary. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class. Never have I ever gone to school all day with my shirt inside out and didn’t know it. Never have I ever lost something important and then lied about it. Never have I ever gone camping.

Questions for Teens

Ask questions about dating, school, and life for the perfect teen game. There’s always a lot going on during your teenage years—so uncover some of the craziest (and most intriguing) things that have happened to your friends so far. Ask Never Have I Ever questions including: Never have I ever stalked a crush. Never have I ever knowingly spread a rumor. Never have I ever been to a website I knew I shouldn’t. Never have I ever actually laughed out loud when typing “lol.” Never have I ever tried to sit next to someone I like in class. Never have I ever apologized and didn’t really mean it. Never have I ever sneaked into a movie theater without a ticket. Never have I ever pretended I was sick as an excuse. Never have I ever dropped my phone in a toilet. Never have I ever deleted a post because it didn’t get enough likes. Never have I ever written a book report without reading the book. Never have I ever added a teacher as a friend on social media. Never have I ever played video games for more than 8 hours in a day. Never have I ever dyed my hair. Never have I ever drank coffee. Never have I ever skipped class. Never have I ever created a nickname for myself. Never have I ever copied a celebrity hairstyle. Never have I ever put a song on repeat for a whole day. Never have I ever dated someone annoying just because they’re cute. Never have I ever forged my parents’ signature on a report card.

Questions for Adults

Touch on grown-up topics including careers and relationships for adults. If you’re playing Never Have I Ever as an adult, there’s nothing wrong with exploring everyone’s more mature stories (and secrets), so long as the group is on board. For example: Never have I ever had a friend with benefits. Never have I ever had a holiday romance. Never have I ever had a weird celebrity crush. Never have I ever spent more than $200 on a night out. Never have I ever been filmed doing something I regret. Never have I ever gotten a speeding ticket. Never have I ever been catfished. Never have I ever pretended I was someone I'm not. Never have I ever been married more than once. Never have I ever got a piercing I’ve never told anyone about. Never have I ever lied in a job interview. Never have I ever been on a dating app. Never have I ever gone out with a friend's ex. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping. Never have I ever been engaged. Never have I ever been to a destination wedding. Never have I ever taken a piece of someone else’s clothing. Never have I ever deleted something from my phone so my partner didn’t see it. Never have I ever started a fire. Never have I ever regifted a gift. Never have I ever picked up a hitchhiker. Never have I ever participated in a protest.

How to Play “Never Have I Ever”

Start by having everyone in the group hold up their hands with all 10 fingers raised. From there, go around the group and take turns saying, “Never Have I Ever” followed by something you haven’t done. Each time another player has done something that gets referenced, they have to put a finger down—and the last person with at least 1 finger raised wins the game! Never Have I Ever is an amazing party game—from a birthday celebration to a sleepover. You can also play it in other casual settings with friends and people you’re close to, whether you’re on vacation or just bored and looking for something to do. However, it may not be the best game for professional gatherings or family members unless you’re careful about the questions you ask and stick to clean questions.

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