Recommended Fighting Styles, Guns, & Swords
Equip one of these weapon combinations. Every Barrier Fruit combo includes a fighting style, gun, and/or a sword. The weapon combinations are listed below, along with how many combos use this set of equipment: Pole (2nd Form), Acidum Rifle, Electric Claw (1 combo) Pole (2nd Form), Death Step (1 combo) Soul Guitar, Godhuman, Spikey Trident (1 combo) Godhuman, Spikey Trident (2 combos) Electric Claw (1 combo) Godhuman, Shark Anchor, Soul Guitar (1 combo) Pole (2nd Form), Acidum Rifle, Dragon Talon (1 combo) Kabucha, Soul Cane (1 combo) Soul Guitar, Soul Cane, Superhuman (1 combo) Cursed Dual Katana, Sanguine Art (1 combo)
Easy Difficulty Combos
Combo Notes Electric Claw C Z (up) + Barrier Z (down) C V Barrier X C + Godhuman Z C + Shark Anchor X Z + Barrier V + Soul Guitar X + Barrier Z + Godhuman X + Soul Guitar Z When finishing with Soul Guitar Z, jump and aim downwards at the target
Medium Difficulty Combos
Combo Notes Pole (2nd Form) Z X + Acidum Rifle Z + Barrier Z + Electric Claw X C Z (up) + Barrier C (down) This combo requires Barrier aiming skills. Pole (2nd form) Z X + Death Step Z C + Barrier C Z + Death Step X This combo requires Barrier aiming skills. Soul Guitar X + Soul Cane X Z + Superhuman Z + Barrier Z C V Fruit main combo. Use Barrier C to hit the enemy into Barrier Z's wall. Barrier X + Cursed Dual Katana Z X + Barrier C + Sanguine Art Z C X + Barrier V Use Barrier C to bring the enemy closer.
Hard Difficulty Combos
Combo Notes Soul Guitar X + Barrier C + Godhuman Z (look up) C + Spikey Trident X + Godhuman X + Barrier Z (look up) V X Fruit main combo. Godhuman C + Spikey Trident X + Barrier Z V + Godhuman X + Barrier C + Godhuman Z Fruit main combo. Godhuman C + Spikey Trident X + Barrier Z + Godhuman X + Barrier C + Godhuman Z Fruit main combo. Control your Barrier C, and watch where your opponent goes after Godhuman X. Kabucha X (At the water) + Barrier C (drag them into the water) + Soul Cane X Z + Kabucha Z + Barrier Z Use Kabucha X at the water, then use Barrier C to drag the enemy into the water. Is good for aerial fights over ocean or lava.
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