Easy DIY Methods to Remove Turmeric Stains in Your Home
Easy DIY Methods to Remove Turmeric Stains in Your Home
Turmeric is a zesty, peppery spice that’s essential in Indian cooking. But even though it may be delicious, the spice is not as forgiving on fabrics. Turmeric stains are known for being stubborn and tricky to get out, which is why we created this guide. No matter where turmeric spills, we’ve got you covered! Read on to learn how to remove turmeric stains from clothing, hard surfaces, and skin.
How to Remove Turmeric Stains

Removing Turmeric Stains from Clothes & Fabric

Spot-treat stains quickly with water, hand sanitizer, or detergent. Time is of the essence when it comes to treating turmeric stains. As soon as you notice a stain on clothing or fabric, immediately use a clean spoon or paper towel to remove any excess turmeric. Then, rinse the area with water and dab with a towel. Squeeze a dollop of hand sanitizer or laundry detergent on the stain for extra stain-fighting power. Resist the urge to rub or scrub, as this can spread the stain or grind it in. Alternatively, squeeze some lemon juice on the stain, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cold water.

Pre-treat colored fabrics with home remedies before washing. In some cases, spot-treating alone isn’t powerful enough to remove turmeric stains. Pre-treat the garment before washing if the stain is prominent. Consider using one of these methods to help remove the stain: Scrub the stain with a soft, wet toothbrush and baking soda. Dab the wet stain with a mixture of 1 US tbsp (0.062 c) white vinegar and ⁄2 c (120 mL) rubbing alcohol. Blot a mixture of ⁄4 c (59 mL) glycerin, ⁄4 c (59 mL) dish soap, and 2 c (470 mL) water onto the stain. Soak the stain in soda water for 5 minutes.

Wash stained clothes in cold water using mild detergent. If you spill powdered turmeric or curry sauce on your clothes, don’t panic—there’s an easy way to treat and remove the stain. Simply follow the steps below, and always remember to use cold water as hot water can set stains. Run cold water over the stain. Apply a mild detergent to the stain and let it soak for a few minutes. Machine-wash the garment as you normally would. Hang the garment to dry in direct sunlight to help fade any stain remnants.

Bleach white fabrics before washing them. Bleach is a powerful, corrosive detergent that can strip the color from fabric. Add a few spoonfuls of bleach to a bucket of hot water and soak your stained white garment in it for about 15 minutes. Then, toss the garment in the wash on a regular cycle. Bleaching the entire garment in a bleach bath helps prevent uneven color changes. Avoid using this method on colored clothing or fabrics, as the bleach can discolor the material. If you’ve stained white silk or wool, use hydrogen peroxide in the bath instead, as bleach can be too harsh on such delicate fabrics.

Apply a baking soda and lemon juice solution if the stain persists. Mix 3-4 drops of lemon juice into a bowl of baking soda. Spread the mixture onto your turmeric stain and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse off the baking soda and then apply a liquid detergent or stain remover to the stain. Let the stain remover or detergent soak for 15 minutes, then machine wash your garment on a regular cycle. Alternatively, use more turmeric or a fabric dye to dye your clothes completely. If the stain isn’t budging on a white piece of clothing, it may be worth simply changing the color of your garment so that you can wear it again! Mix together a paste of turmeric and water and soak your clothing in it, then run the garment through a cold wash cycle. It should turn the whole fabric a nice shade of yellow!

Removing Turmeric Stains from Cabinets & Counters

Scrub out a turmeric stain with a mixture of baking soda and water. If you get turmeric or curry sauce on your cabinets, countertops, or table, there’s an easy solution. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that’s mildly abrasive and alkaline, making it a useful stain solution for light-colored, stained, and painted hard surfaces. Simply follow the instructions below: Mix equal parts water and baking soda to create a thick paste. Consider adding a few drops of mild dish soap for extra cleaning power. Rub the paste onto the stain with a sponge or dish rag and let it sit for around 15 minutes. Wash the stained area with dish soap and water to remove the baking soda paste.

Use a sponge, brush, or rag to help remove stains on hard surfaces. You don’t have to be as gentle when treating surfaces like kitchen countertops, stove tops, and floors. Pair a home remedy or cleaning solution with a mild abrasive, such as a sponge, abrasive pad, brush, or rag, to help wipe and rub away the stain. Avoid using harsh abrasives (steel wool or metal scrapers), as these could leave permanent scratches on a surface. For extra cleaning power, soak the stain in a mixture of hot water and soap for five minutes before using your abrasive.

Removing Turmeric Stains from Dishes

Soak dishes in a bleach or vinegar bath to remove turmeric stains. If turmeric or curry stains your dishware, don’t panic—there’s a quick and easy fix. Simply fill your sink or a large bowl with 2 parts hot water and 1 part bleach or vinegar. Then, place the stained dishes in the bath and let them soak overnight. This stain-fighting method works best on plastic, glass, and ceramic dishes or non-electrical appliances. Always wear rubber gloves when cleaning with bleach to protect your skin.

Removing Turmeric Stains from Skin & Nails

Use lemon juice, rubbing alcohol, or dish soap to remove turmeric from hands. Turmeric can accidentally get on your hands when eating or cooking, turning your skin or nails a yellow-orange tone. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to remove the stain(s) without damaging your skin: Wipe the affected area with rubbing alcohol, then wash your hands as you normally would. Mix together equal parts of lemon juice with baking soda to create a paste, then scrub it into your skin. Soak your nails in warm water and dish soap for 5 to 10 minutes.

Does turmeric stain teeth?

Turmeric may stain your teeth over time. The yellow pigments in turmeric can stain anything they come into contact with. If you eat turmeric frequently, it’s possible that it would begin to stain your teeth. However, teeth staining only happens if your tooth enamel is weakened. If your tooth enamel is strong, turmeric is less likely to cause any visible staining. Eating a large amount of acidic foods and drinks may weaken your tooth enamel and allow in staining from turmeric. Brush your teeth after eating turmeric to prevent stains on your teeth. Use a whitening toothpaste, over-the-counter teeth whitening products, or get an in-office whitening treatment from your dentist to combat staining.

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