How to Act Silly with Your Boyfriend
How to Act Silly with Your Boyfriend
Silliness isn't just reserved for five year old kids--it's important for older people, too. In fact, a little silliness can make for a happier, stronger relationship.[1]
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To bring out your silliness around your boyfriend, don’t be afraid to be your genuine, goofy self. Start a food fight or a tickle war. Joke around with crazy selfies, playful teasing, and a funny nickname or two.

Getting in a Silly Mood

Embrace your unique personality. To act silly around your boyfriend, stop worrying about what he thinks. Commit to being yourself instead of trying to change your personality for him. If he doesn’t appreciate your genuine personality, he’s definitely not worth your time. Make a list of all your strengths, and read it daily to give yourself a confidence boost. When you’re feeling unsure, stop for a moment and remember a time when you felt super confident. Try to recall the sights, sounds, and smells of that moment. Bringing yourself back to a moment of high confidence can help you feel more confident in the present. Listen to some confidence-boosting jams! You can even make a “confidence playlist” to psych yourself up.

Be present. Part of being silly is being completely present. Instead of worrying about being funny or saying the right thing, focus on having a great time with your boyfriend. If you feel yourself starting to worry, focus on your breathing. Then, bring your attention to what you see, feel and hear around you. Notice your boyfriend’s smile, the feeling of his hand in yours, and the sound of his laugh.

Be more spontaneous. If you feel the urge to do something silly, do it right away. After all, being silly is about letting go. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to hold back. Try channeling your goofy inner child who doesn’t care what others think. If you’re sitting by the lake, start a splashing war! Propose an impromptu game of hide-and-seek or tag.

Don’t take things too seriously. While there’s definitely a time for seriousness, there’s also a time to laugh and be goofy. Not every conversation with your boyfriend needs to be deep and emotional. Having silly, lighthearted interactions is important for a strong relationship, too. Don’t take yourself too seriously, either. It’s ok to act like a fool sometimes. In fact, it can actually be pretty fun!

Playing Games

Have a wrestling match. Challenge your boyfriend to a wrestling match, or surprise attack him from behind! Have fun with it, but keep the fighting under control. You don’t actually want to hurt each other. Pretend to fight in a specific fighting style like boxing, martial arts, or sumo wrestling. Take turns being the announcer. If your boyfriend is much stronger than you, make a few rules to level the playing field. For example, you could make him fight with one of his arms behind his back.

Plan a surprise pillow fight. Next time you’re lounging on the bed or couch with your boyfriend, grab a pillow and whack him. Next thing you know, you’ll have a full blown pillow war. Choose a great weapon! The best pillow-fight pillows are soft and filled with down, polyester, cotton, or wool. Play King of the Ring. The first person to fall off the bed or couch loses. Try Pillow Ninja. Hold one pillow in each hand, and whack each other. If you drop one of your pillows, you lose!

Have a dance party. Turn on your favorite jams and have a dance party! You can do a silly partner dance, or have a dance off. Don’t be afraid to bust out all your hilarious dance moves. Try playing a dance video game together, like Dance Dance Revolution or Just Dance. Watch a video of professional dancers and try to copy their crazy moves. Put your own spin on a Dancing with the Stars performance and let the hilarity ensue.

Play with your food. When you’re baking cookies in the kitchen with your boyfriend, blow a little flour on his nose. When he blows some back at you, throw a couple of chocolate chips at him. Let the food fight commence! Play catch with your food. Throw him a few jellybeans or grapes and have him try to catch them in his mouth.

Start a tickle war. Ambush your boyfriend in the middle of a movie with a tickle fight! The two of you will be doubled over in laughter in seconds. Find his most ticklish spots. Try his ribs, tummy, armpits, and even the soles of his feet.

Joking Around

Give him a funny nickname. The options are endless. You could pick nickname that reflects a funny habit of his, or one that’s hilariously mismatched. If your boyfriend is has an intense obsession with Star Wars, call him Chewbacca. If your boyfriend is a super tall, call him Tiny.

Do some gentle teasing. Playful banter is flirty and fun. Make fun of one of his quirks, do a light-hearted imitation, or give him a backhanded compliment. Keep the teasing gentle and fun. His insecurities shouldn’t be the subject of your jokes. Stop right away if he looks upset or asks you to stop. Hurt feelings are certainly not funny. Say something like, “Wow, you’re not so bad at cooking for someone who lives on Ramen noodles.” If he has a crazy laugh, do your best impression.

Take goofy selfies. Make your weirdest faces and snap a ton of selfies. Try to recreate famous photos or paintings, or use Snapchat filters to make your photos even more bizarre. Then, look through them together and appreciate your silliness. Send your boyfriend one of these goofy photos a few weeks later with a text like, “Why are we so attractive?”

Act out a scene from your favorite movie. Put on the scene, turn down the volume, and do your own interpretations of the dialogue. Don’t be afraid to be ridiculous--the sillier, the better. For a hilarious contrast, do goofy dialogue for a super intense romantic scene. Use foreign accents to spice up your scene.

Steal something of his and make him chase you. Grab his hat off his head, swipe a shoe, or snatch a cookie off his plate. Give him a playful smile, and dash away. Use furniture for cover as you dodge him.

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