How to Celebrate Guy Fawkes Day
How to Celebrate Guy Fawkes Day
On the 5th of November in 1605, Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Britain and kill King James the First. The plan was discovered just before the fuse was lit and Guy Fawkes was convicted and executed. Today, the plot continues to be remembered through the use of fireworks, bonfire parties, and general celebrations. This celebration is observed primarily in England, but also in places such as New Zealand. Four hundred years on, Guy Fawkes Day is generally an excuse to have a firecracker of a party.

Having Your Own Celebration

Invite your friends over for a bonfire if you have old wood to burn. Bonfires are a traditional part of Guy Fawkes celebrations. To light your bonfire, mark out the area with bricks to stop the fire from spreading, place some scrunched newspapers or pinecones at the base of the fire pit, and then stack small pieces of wood on top. Once you have lit the fire and it is steadily burning, place larger pieces of wood on to keep it burning. Never use petrol or alcohol to kick-start a fire, as this can cause accidents. Also, avoid lighting the fire on a windy day to help prevent it from spreading quickly. Always keep water on hand in case the fire gets out of control. Also, closely monitor any children nearby, as bonfires are a high-risk activity. Light your bonfire on land that is free of trees and that you have permission to use.

Throw straw effigies onto your bonfire to reminisce the day's heritage. Effigies are small figurines of people that are burned to remember the day that the British Parliament was almost destroyed. Purchase effigies from a Guy Fawkes stall or make your own by stuffing children's clothes with straw. This tradition is particularly popular in England. Effigies were originally made to look like Guy Fawkes, the man that tried to blow up the House of Parliament; however, now they are just faceless straw men.

Light fireworks and sparklers to celebrate the day with a bang. This is one of the most popular ways to celebrate Guy Fawkes. Buy fireworks from an authorised supplier and only purchase fireworks that are considered to be safe for use in a domestic context. Follow the instructions on the packet and light them in an open space, such as the beach or on a grass field. Always light the fireworks away from children and pets to help prevent injuries. In many countries you can only purchase fireworks the week of Guy Fawkes. Adhere to the fireworks regulations in your country.

Celebrate the day with Parkin cake, charred potatoes, or soup. The food eaten at Guy Fawkes tends to vary between different communities. Hot soup and grilled potatoes are timeless favourites that will keep you warm throughout the night. Parkin cake is another great option if you want a sweet treat. Any traditional party foods, such as crisps, lollies, and cake are also appropriate for Guy Fawkes celebrations.

Drink mulled wine to celebrate the occasion. Drinking mulled wine is a great way to stay warm on cold nights and helps to make the evening feel festive. Place the mulled wine in crockpots to keep it warm or place lids on your pots to keep the heat in. Put a ladle next to the mulled wine to allow your guests to serve themselves throughout the night. Provide non-alcohol drinks, such as juice, to cater to people who don't want to drink alcohol or want to drive home.

Wear a Guy Fawkes mask if you want to dress up. These masks are normally black or white and have painted-on moustaches, goatees, and eyebrows. The sinister looks of these masks are a reflection of the sombre origins of Guy Fawkes days; however, don't let the scary masks put a damper on your celebrations! Purchase a Guy Fawkes mask from a miscellaneous store or from a Guy Fawkes store.

Attending a Celebration

Attend a Guy Fawkes parade to see floats and stalls. This is a fun way to immerse yourself in your community's Guy Fawkes celebrations. Check your local newspaper or noticeboard for information about the time and location of the parade. Guy Fawkes parades generally have a range of festive stalls, a parade of floats, and fireworks. If your local community doesn't have a parade, search online to see where the closest one is.

Watch a fireworks show with your friends or family. This is a great option if you want to see professional fireworks and it is a much safer option than lighting them yourself. Search online for a fireworks show near you. Schools, churches, and community groups often hold fireworks displays and host community celebrations. Many firework shows will have a small entrance fee.

Attend a community bonfire if you want a festive night. Sitting around a bonfire is a great way to bond with friends whilst remembering the history of the day. If you don't have the space and resources to host your own bonfire, join a friend's bonfire or attend a community bonfire event. Bring marshmallows to roast if you feel like a delicious treat. Guy Fawkes day is sometimes called Bonfire Day due to the large number of bonfires that are lit each year on the 5th of November.

Go to a Guy Fawkes party for a fun and festive night. Guy Fawkes parties are usually held in people's homes and involve eating delicious food, lighting fireworks, and dancing. Ask your friends if they are holding a Guy Fawkes party or search online to see if any community groups, such as sports clubs or interest groups, are hosting a party. Never drive home if you have been drinking alcohol – organise a ride home or catch a taxi.

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