How to Grief on Minecraft
How to Grief on Minecraft
Griefing in Minecraft has been a notorious and controversial gameplay style ever since it started. The hate for it has caused servers to ban it entirely, resulting in a ban for players who refuse to stop. Nevertheless, you might want to bend the rules a little and mess around. Here is a guide on how to grief in Minecraft.

General Griefing

Find a server list website. Ex. Minecraft Server List, Planet Minecraft.

Find a Server. Preferably a no-whitelist server, this way you can just go right in and start playing instead of having to wait to get to play.

Get a custom griefing client, if desired. This can be used to fly, speed mine, climb walls, x-ray, etc. It is very useful on servers.

Start destroying buildings. Blow them up, steal stuff, tear down most of it, whatever suits you.

Steal stuff, TNT buildings, or just mine them. Make sure not to get caught, use sneak (shift) so people can't see your name. (hold it down)

Destroying a Building

Remove the door of the building, and place a stone pressure plate there.

Connect a piece of redstone to the plate. Finally, connect your desired amount of TNT to the redstone. Make sure you don't accidentally step on the plate yourself!

Using a Lava Flood

Find a vein of lava. They are usually found underground, but they can be found above the surface too.

Stock up on buckets of lava.

Find a wood building. Remove the building's roof.

Place lava on all four corners of the house's ceiling, so the lava flows inside.

Replace the roof and repair anything else messed up. The owner of the house will get a little surprise when he/she opens the door! Remember, you can do this with water if you have trouble finding lava.

With an Underwater Building

Find a proper building. This method is super easy, the only remotely difficult part is finding the proper building. If you have the time, search around underwater for an underwater house. Good signs of underwater houses are floating underwater glass, and lights from underwater.

Go inside the house and simply break the roof! It will be a huge pain for the owner to get all of the water out.

Spelling Out

Walk around. Find a large house with tall walls.

Remove some of the walls to make letters. You can spell out your name, "Hello," "I hate you," or whatever else you wish to do.

World Edit

If you happen to find a server that has the World Edit plugin installed, try to find a way to get OP, or get a rank that allows World Edit.

Once you have World Edit, try to destroy spawn if possible, or if you can't, try to destroy as close to spawn as possible. Recommended World Edit commands to destroy it is //set air //replace (uglyblock1),(uglyblock2),(uglyblock3) //set Lava and //set bedrock

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