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This wikiHow article will teach you how to find information about a WhatsApp phone number, and how to stay safe from WhatsApp scammers.
How can I tell if someone is using a fake phone number?
If they claim to be your family member or friend, they should already be in your contacts. If someone chats you from an unrecognized number pretending to be someone you know, it could be a scam—especially if they claim they've lost their phone and need money to buy a new one. Scammers often find phone numbers and family/associate names on the dark web and use that information to scam WhatsApp users. If someone you know is trying to talk to you on WhatsApp from a different number: Call or text that person directly (using their real phone number) to ask if the person who is messaging you on WhatsApp is really then. Ask the person to video chat with you so you can confirm that they are who they say they are.
Do a reverse phone number lookup. Depending on the phone number, you may be able to find identifying information by searching for it on a reverse lookup website. Reverse lookups tend to work better for landlines, but mobile info is easier to find than it used to be. Just be aware that if someone is using a VoIP number from a service like Google Voice or Burner, information will be minimal and not necessarily accurate to the person's true location. Check out https://www.zlookup.com to trace a phone number in any country. The service is completely free and will even show you which mobile carrier the number belongs to. To find a US-based mobile or landline number, use https://thatsthem.com. This site can even tell you any physical addresses associated with the phone number. You can also try searching for the phone number in Google, both with and without the country code. You might even find the phone number on a website warning people about scammers!
Make sure their country code matches where they live. For example, if the person you're talking to says they are from India and their phone number is from the UK, be wary. While there are many reasons why someone might have a phone number from a country other than the one they live in, if you're already doubting that the person is who they say they are, this should be another sign that the person isn't being honest with you. There are many apps that allow users to create fake or temporary SMS phone numbers which can be used to register for WhatsApp. These apps might have country codes from all over the world, but a lot of them use the +1 (US) and +44 (UK) country codes. If you're not in the US or the UK and you see one of these country codes, someone might be using a fake number from one of those countries.
Call the phone number from a private line. If you're still stumped on whether the phone number on someone's WhatsApp profile is legitimate, you can call the phone number (from your phone, not using WhatsApp voice chat) to see who answers. To keep the call private, you can hide your phone number in your Android or iPhone settings or use a blocking code on a landline.
Protect Yourself from WhatsApp Scammers
Don't give out any personal information or private data. Even if the person contacting you is in your contacts, be mindful of what you share with them on the app. If any of your contacts falls victim to a WhatsApp scam that results in someone else gaining access to their account, the scammer could be trying to get information from you next. Always think twice before sharing private photos, videos, files, or voice messages with anyone on WhatsApp.
Avoid chatting with phone numbers you don't recognize. Even if someone claims to be someone you know, make sure their phone number matches up with the phone number you have for them in your phone contacts. If you think the new phone number does belong to that person, don't take their word for it—ask them to prove their identity to you via video chat or phone.
Hide your profile and information from people who aren't in your contacts. While it's not possible to preemptively block all non-contacts from sending you messages, you can easily hide your statuses, last seen, about, and profile photo from non-contacts so strangers won't know when you're active on the app. Tap the three dots at the top of WhatsApp (Android only). Go to Settings > Account > Privacy(Android and iPhone). Select Last Seen and choose either My Contacts or Nobody. Repeat for Profile Photo, About, Status, and Groups.
Report phishing attempts, spam, fraud, and suspicious activity to WhatsApp. If someone is trying to scam you, reporting them to WhatsApp can help ensure that the person doesn't successfully scam someone else. To report someone on WhatsApp: Tap the phone number in the chat. Tap Block Contact. Tap Report Contact. Tap Report and Block.
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