How to Paint a Walking Witch for Halloween
How to Paint a Walking Witch for Halloween
Witches are recognizable by their ugly faces and apparel, including a pointed hat. For this artwork, the view is focused on the shoes and striped stockings. Once painted, it is clear that this is not your typical neighborhood lady out for a stroll. Watch out, she might be headed your way!

Simplify the body using geometric shapes. With triangles and two skinny rectangles, you can tell it is the lower half of a person.

Arrange this composition on your paper so that the figure ends at the paper's top edge or approximately at the lady's waistline. Sketch out the geometric shapes lightly in pencil, on a good sheet of watercolor paper. Be sure the paper is large enough so you can put in a background if you want one.

Refine the geometric shapes. Curve the leg lines on both sides making a tapered ankle. Define the shoes. Draw a low horizontal line to create the street/road from the sky area above it.

Tatter the bottom of the skirt. Make the stockings striped.

Draw a large circle for the brim of the witch hat. Add a triangle shape to represent the crown of the hat.

Show the witches broom. Make the handle lumpy if you want it to resemble a tree branch. Attach straw to the bottom of the handle to make a broom.

Draw the witch's gnarled hands grasping the hat and broom. Only four fingers are visible on each hand. Give each finger long fingernails.

Add a cat following behind the witch. Background items can include pumpkins. Flying bats might be included near the figure.

Refine and go over the drawing's outlines using fine-line and "standard," (slightly thicker) pointed black indelible marker.

Color the drawing using a waterbased medium of your choice. You may want to try crayons, markers, or watercolors.

Consider various color plans or schemes. You could work predominantly in primary colors; yellow, red and blue. You could try using only secondary colors; orange, purple and green.Secondary colors.jpg Paint the scene in dark colors and add background ghosts.

Finish the drawing in any way that makes sense to you. Have fun with it. Investing a little time to create an artwork adds to your enjoyment of the season. Hang it on a wall to get inspire you to do further art.

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