How to Play the Spooky Concentration Game
How to Play the Spooky Concentration Game
The Concentrate Game is a spooky urban legend, like Bloody Mary or the Cat Scratch Game. In it, a victim listens to a hypnotic rhyme spoken by a narrator, and as they listen, their mind starts to play tricks on them. It’s said that the end of the game predicts how the victim will eventually die! We’ll show you how to play, and fill you in on what’s supposed to happen, and if it’s all for real.
Playing the Concentrate Game

Performing the Concentrate Ritual

Grab a partner and tell them to close their eyes. The Concentrate Game is only played with 2 people. One person does the talking, and the other is the victim, who just listens. Grab a friend and have them turn around and close their eyes. Stand behind them, and position them in front of something soft, like a bed or a pile of cushions, but don’t tell them why. It also helps if you turn out the lights, and play this game after dark. Other people can be in the room for the game, but nobody can speak but the person reciting the lines.

Recite the ritual’s chorus while pounding the person’s back lightly. The Concentrate Game works like a song. There are verses, and a chorus you repeat after every verse. Start with the chorus, and while you recite it in a sing-song voice, make both your hands into fists and pound the victim’s back lightly. The chorus goes like this: Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. People are dying. Children are crying. Concentrate. Concentrate.

Say the first verse while tapping on the victim’s head. While you recite the second verse, tap 3 times on the victim’s head with your fist, then run the fingers of both your hands down either side of their head, like pretending you’re cracking an egg. Remember to go back to the chorus afterward! The first verse goes like this: Crack an egg on your head. Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down. Crack an egg on your head. Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.

Recite the second verse while squeezing the victim’s shoulders. This time, squeeze and twist their shoulders with your hands, then graze your fingers down both their arms as you recite the second verse, which goes like this: Squeeze an orange on your shoulder. Let the juice drip down. Let the juice drip down. Squeeze an orange on your shoulder. Let the juice drip down. Let the juice drip down.

Say the third verse while poking their sides. Use your pointer finger to lightly jab the victim’s sides, then run your fingers down to their waist while you say the third verse, which goes like this: Stick a needle in your sides. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down. Stick a needle in your sides. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.

Say the fourth verse while lightly pounding their back. Now, as you recite the fourth verse, lightly tap the victim’s back with your fists, like you do during the chorus. This time, though, trickle your fingers down their back, too. Stab a knife in your back. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down. Stab a knife in your back. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.

Recite the fifth verse while pretending to lay a rope around their neck. Hold your imaginary rope and circle your hand around their head. Once you shout the word “Pull!” in the fifth verse, yank your fist upward. Wrap a rope around your neck. Wrap it till it’s tight. Wrap it till it’s tight. Wrap a rope around your neck. And… PULL!

Whisper the last verse in the victim’s ears while swaying them in place. Gently hold the victim’s arms and lightly push them left to right. As you do, whisper the final verse. Once you reach the last words, push them forward with your hands onto a bed or a pile of cushions. You’re standing on a building. You’re out on the ledge. You’re feeling very dizzy. And you’re close to the edge. And someone… PUSHES YOU!

Ask the victim what color they saw to reveal how they’ll die. It’s said that when you push the victim to their pretend death, a color will flash behind their closed eyes. People say that the color you see foretells how you die. Ask the victim what color they saw, then declare their cause of death: Red: Stabbing Blue: Drowning Yellow: Poisoning Orange: Burning Green: Falling (onto grass) Purple: Suffocating Brown: Buried alive Gray: Illness Black: Old age, and sent to hell. White: Old age, and sent to heaven.

What’s supposed to happen in the Concentrate Game?

People say the Concentrate Game predicts how you’ll die. At the end of the game, when the victim is “pushed” off a pretend building, it’s said that they’re supposed to see a color. Which color the victim sees is supposed to tell them how they’ll die. Spooky! Of course, the game can’t actually tell you how you’ll die. It’s just for fun.

The Concentrate Game tricks your body into feeling things that aren’t real. The game is actually sort of like hypnosis! As the victim, you become relaxed and able to focus on what’s being said to you. You eventually focus so much that the things start feeling a little real, like a rope around your neck or falling off a building. That’s a form of hypnosis! This is part of the gun of the game: feeling spooky things that aren’t actually happening.

Is the Concentrate Game real?

No, the Concentrate Game is only pretend. The Concentrate Game won’t tell you how you die. It’s just an urban legend! It’s hard to say where it started, but it was probably thought up by someone just like you, looking to have a fun and frightening time. They got what they wanted, and the game spread, so now you can have a fun time with your own friends while staying totally safe. Also take a stab at other urban legends, like the Cat Scratch Game, Bloody Mary, or Charlie Charlie.

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