How to Take MSM Powder
How to Take MSM Powder
Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM for short, is a sulfur compound that is found in humans, plants, and animals. MSM supplements are increasingly popular as health products because MSM may help alleviate arthritis, fight joint pain and inflammation, and boost the immune system.[1]
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Using MSM powder safely requires finding a reputable product, measuring out the correct dosage, and following all instructions on the packaging. Also keep an eye out for side effects and consult your doctor before starting an MSM regimen.

Using MSM Powder as a Supplement

Choose a supplement from a reputable manufacturer. Since MSM is increasingly popular as a health product, there are many brands currently selling variants of MSM powder. There isn’t much regulation for health supplements, so it can be difficult to decide which brand is reputable. A good strategy is to always investigate the manufacturer. The US Office of Dietary Supplements recommends directly contacting manufacturers and asking to speak with someone who can answer all your questions. If you have trouble getting a representative on the phone, this is a red flag. Search for the manufacturer online and see if they have a good reputation. If you do an internet search and find that a manufacturer has had legal problems or safety violations in the past, avoid their product. Ask the manufacturer or retailers for the full nutrition facts for this supplement. If they don’t provide this information right away or offer excuses, this is a bad sign. Obtain full information before putting anything into your body. Check with an independent organization like the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) Dietary Supplement Verification Program, which assesses the safety and reliability of dietary supplements. Visit their website at If possible, get the supplements from a pharmacy rather than the internet. That way you can ask the pharmacist if there is a brand they would recommend.

Take 1,000-2,000 mg of MSM powder per day. There is currently no agreed-upon dosage for MSM powder. Recommendations range from 2,000-8,000 mg per day. Each brand of MSM powder assigns its own dosage, so check the packaging for this information. When you find this information, start with a lower dosage to introduce it into your system slowly. Beginning with 1,000-2,000 mg per day allows your body to get used to the supplement and wards off side effects. Trials have found that up to 6,000 mg per day has no adverse side effects. Larger doses are untested, so there is no information on their safety. It is good practice to avoid using products that suggest a higher dosage.

Measure out the correct dosage, mix it into a glass of water, and drink it. Use a measuring spoon or cup and carefully measure out the correct dosage. Pay attention to the amount you’re using and be sure you don’t use too much. Scoop the listed dosage into a full glass of water and stir for a few seconds. MSM powder is water soluble, so most of it may dissolve. Then drink the mixture. Wash it down with another glass of water if you feel remnants of powder in your mouth. An eating spoon is not an accurate way to measure a health supplement. Use something that gives you an exact measurement. Some MSM supplements say they can be mixed into juices or smoothies. It is very specific to each brand, so follow the listed instructions.

Follow the product directions for daily dosages. Some products instruct you to take a daily dosage in one serving, and some instruct you to take 2 or 3 servings daily. Follow the instructions on your product and repeat the doses as instructed. MSM is safe to take regularly and clinical trials administer it on a daily basis, so take the recommended dosage daily. Some studies suggest that MSM powder provides an energy boost, so if you are active, try taking your dosage before a workout.

Staying Safe While Taking MSM

Inform your doctor if you plan on taking MSM powder. MSM could have contraindications or interactions with other medications, so inform your doctor before you start taking a health supplement. Your doctor can tell you if this supplement is right for you or warn you if it could be harmful in any way. Also consult your doctor before taking a dose greater than the product recommends. Since MSM powder hasn’t been studied in high doses, your doctor can inform you if increasing the dose is a good idea or not.

Abstain from MSM powder if you regularly take blood thinners or NSAIDs. MSM powder may interact with some medications. These include diflunisal, blood thinners, NSAID pain relievers, or other herbal supplements. If you take any of these medications regularly, ask your doctor if taking MSM powder is safe.

Avoid taking MSM powder if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. MSM powder has not been evaluated in pregnant women, so it’s effects on an unborn child aren’t known. It is also unknown if MSM is excreted in breastmilk. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, don’t take MSM powder until studies demonstrate that it’s safe.

Stop taking MSM if you experience side effects. No serious side effects have been observed in clinical trials using MSM. Your body could still have a minor reaction to MSM though, so be prepared for a few side effects. Common side effects of MSM powder include abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and nausea. These are considered harmless and should pass when then MSM works out of your system. Other more serious side effects include fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and a headache. These are also considered temporary and not dangerous. Since MSM powder has not been evaluated by the FDA or studied rigorously, other side effects are possible. Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor if you don’t feel right after taking MSM.

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