How to Tell if a Virgo Man is Serious About You
How to Tell if a Virgo Man is Serious About You
Virgo men are easy to fall for. They’re loyal, charming, and, ruled by the astrological sign of growth, willing to put in the necessary work to make a relationship bloom. But how can you be sure if that head-over-heels tumble is mutual? In this article, we’ll break down over a dozen signs a Virgo man is getting serious about you, as well as some expert tips on falling in love with one. Keep reading to harvest insight (pun intended) on when it’s time to take your relationship to the next level. This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • An Earth sign, Virgos tend to be pragmatic and guard their emotions. If he starts acting more affectionate and/or vulnerable, it's a sign he feels safe with you.
  • Ruled by Mercury (the planet of communication), Virgo men love to talk and plan. If he makes plans for the future with you, he’s taking your relationship seriously.
  • Virgo shows love by nurturing. If your man is always looking for ways to help you (or feels safe enough to let you nurture him), he’s probably falling for you.

He talks about the future with you.

A Virgo man loves to plan. An Earth sign, he’s naturally pragmatic and analytical. Plus, he’s ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, which means he feels most comfortable when he’s strategizing and thinking about how to prepare for the next few days, months, and years. If he makes his plans around you, and factors you into his seemingly-endless well of goals and ambitions, it’s a sign he hopes you’ll be with him for the long haul. Virgos tend to be more reserved, so he may not approach you directly with his future plans. Pay attention to subtle clues. Small details like him saying “when we” instead of “when I” are a great sign he plans on building some version of a happily ever after with you. The future can seem overwhelming, but luckily, Virgos love to talk things through (thanks Mercury). Try asking some simple questions about the future like: “Where do you see us in 5 years?” or “Where do you see this relationship going?” to better understand your long-term compatibility.

He compliments your looks and style often.

A Virgo man cares a lot about appearance. His meticulous nature means he puts a lot of effort into how he looks, so it sends him over the moon when he sees his crush or partner doing the same. Virgo men can also be critical, so if he’s going out of his way to shower you with praise for your clothes, hair, or overall aesthetic, it’s a sign you’re really getting to him. Smell is another quality Virgo men are hyperaware of. If he takes notice of your perfume or cologne, you’re definitely wooing him over. While Virgo men love beauty, they aren’t flashy or superficial. Put effort into cleanliness, but dress in a way that suits your personality. They prefer the authentic you over flamboyant, stylish statement pieces. (Save those for Taurus men.)

He shares how much he appreciates your insight.

A Virgo man loves to be right. Ruling over the 6th house of routines and wellness, Virgo loves giving advice more than arguably any other sign. Thus, if he admits that your advice is valuable to him, it means he sees you as his equal in what he considers his life purpose. That type of bond is what soulmates are made of, and he’s starting to recognize that. Don’t take it personally if a Virgo man doesn’t take your advice. It doesn’t mean he’s not interested; he just trusts his intuition more than anyone else’s. Just because a Virgo man doesn’t vocalize how much he values your opinion doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate it. Because he’s shy and Earthy, he’s much more likely to show his love by following your input instead of saying something. As mutable signs, Virgo men are highly adaptable and love fixing. If you feel like he’s not listening to you, talk to him about it. He’ll likely see this criticism as constructive (Virgo men love that) and work hard to make you feel heard.

He’s comfortable being vulnerable around you.

Virgos like to be on top of everything. Their Earthy placements mean they’re highly organized and put countless hours into presenting themselves as efficient, well-curated people. If your Virgo man starts shedding that persona and reveals his fears, quirks, and insecurities, it means being authentic is more important to him than being seen as well-put-together. He can be himself around you, which is something he takes very seriously. Embracinng vulnerability in relationships is a give-and-take. If you want him to open up to you, open up to him. Clearly express your needs and wants, and use “I feel” statements to convey your frustrations. For example, you might say “I feel distant when you don’t share things with me. I want to feel closer to you so I’d appreciate it if you could express your feelings, even the bad ones, instead of shutting me out.”

He pitches in to help wherever he can.

Acts of service is a fluent love language for most Virgo men. If your guy is finding ways to make your life easier (they can be big like helping you set boundaries with needy family members or small like making you dinner after a long day at work), he’s showing you affection in the best way he knows how. This much care and effort means you mean a lot to him. Sometimes, Virgos can overstep due to their well-meaning desire to help. If you feel like your Virgo is becoming too involved in your affairs or trying to fix something you don’t need to be fixed, kindly but clearly communicate that you’d rather handle things on your own. For example, you might say “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’d like to handle this one by myself” or “Thank you for your feedback, but I’m not looking for answers. I’d just like to vent right now.”

He gets jealous of other guys in your life.

Virgo men can be a little possessive. Sometimes, this manifests sweetly. (He’ll work tirelessly to protect you and check in often to make sure you’re okay.) Sometimes, it can feel a little clingy and unnecessary. Regardless, if your Virgo man acts jealous seeing you with/hearing about other guys, it’s a sign he’s highly interested and wants to be the most important dude in your life. Ruled by Mercury, Virgos thrive on open communication. The best way to stop jealousy in a relationship with a Virgo man is to reassure him there’s nothing to worry about and establish clear boundaries so he knows what you will and won’t tolerate. For example, you might say “I’m having drinks with Charlie tonight. He’s a friend from college. Nothing is going on between us, but I’d appreciate some quality alone time so we can catch up. I’ll text you when we’re done if you want to hang with us after.”

He talks positively about you to others.

Virgo men can tend to live fairly private lives. They often fall on the shy side and public displays of affection feel risky to them. If your Virgo man tells his friends about you, posts about you on social media, or shares information about your relationship openly, it’s a sign he sees you as worth the risk. Virgo’s mutability and attention to detail means they can lose track of others sometimes. If he isn’t sharing you with the world, odds are it’s nothing personal. Talk to him about this privacy or find small ways to get more visibly involved in each other’s lives. For example, you might ask to meet his friends by arranging a group hang-out. Try an activity that’s low-stakes where you can easily do other things if the conversation gets awkward like bowling or arcade gaming.

He checks in with you often.

Virgos are known for their ability to nurture. However, unlike more maternal signs like Cancer, their caring and protective instincts don’t come out right away. If your man makes a regular effort to know your thoughts, needs, and feelings, be it through calling, texting, or face-to-face interaction, he sees you as a high priority in his life. Your Virgo may care greatly about how you’re doing, but sometimes life gets in the way. It can help to develop a routine of 1 or 2 check-in texts a day on days you don’t see each other. Just sending a simple “good night; hope your day goes well” can make a huge difference.

He’s flirty and playful with you.

With such strong Earth placements, Virgos take life quite seriously. If he shows off his goofy or sexy side, that’s a great sign he feels comfortable letting his guard down around you. He’s willing to shed his calculated, logical shell to be goofy and have more fun around you. Being outwardly flirtatious or silly can feel risky for your Virgo man. Be sure to respond positively if he does, so he knows it’s safe to be more lighthearted in the future. Laugh, smile, flirt back, and show warmth in whatever way you can to encourage him.

He introduces you to his family.

Since Virgo has such nurturing instincts, family is often super important. Virgo men are often super tight with their families. (Sometimes they’re biological; sometimes they’re chosen). If your guy introduces you to his family, it’s a sign he really likes you. He wants to show you his rich yet private inner life; he wants you to be close to his inner circle. Talk to your boyfriend about his parents before you meet them. Find out what they like and what topics to stay away from. Ask to meet in a neutral space (a restaurant, a coffee shop) if going to his family’s home feels like too much pressure.

He lets you take care of him.

A Virgo man has a tremendous work ethic. He puts a lot of effort into being self-sufficient and likes to be the one who provides. If he’s willing to step back and let you be the more nurturing one every once in a while, that’s a sign he trusts you completely. Your nurturing gestures don’t have to be big. Try cooking dinner after work one night or bringing him soup and tea when he’s sick. You can work your way up to the bigger stuff as he gets more comfortable. Virgo men are big on etiquette. If you offer to help, he’ll likely tell you he’s fine. Help anyway; he’ll appreciate it.

He makes grand romantic gestures.

Virgo men aren’t flashy, so when they decide to be bold, take notice. They often prefer simple, smaller forms of love and intimacy: a movie night on the couch, a regular date night at a restaurant they know and like. If he makes a big effort to sweep you off your feet with flowers, music, or a surprise, he’s likely doing it almost entirely to make you happy. He wants you to feel like he’s head-over-heels for you…probably because he truly is. While a Virgo man might try to impress you with a surprise gesture, they don’t love surprises themselves. Just be loyal, honest, and emotionally available, and they’ll feel more loved than they could with any amount of rose petals or spontaneous getaways.

He’s physically affectionate.

As an Earth sign, Virgo men love expressing themselves physically. If your man initiates affection physically (hugging, kissing, hand-holding, canoodling, you name it), he’s trying to be intimate in the best way he knows how. This intimacy is a sign of deepening feelings. Plus, his focus and attention to detail mean he’s probably a pretty phenomenal lover physically. Your Virgo man appreciates when you initiate physical affection, too. Kiss him passionately out of the blue, offer him a massage, or caress his cheek now and then.

He always has time for you.

If a Virgo man drops everything to be with you, he’s serious. Earthy and mutable, Virgos like to keep themselves busy. Your man likely has at least a dozen projects he’s working on at a time. However, if it seems like those projects fall to the back burner when he’s around you, it means you’re his number one priority, which means he’s in it for the long haul. A Virgo man values emotional accessibility. To deepen your relationship, try to be as available as you can. You don’t need to drop anything, but making an effort to carve some time out of your day can go a long way. For example, you might say “I can’t talk right now, but I’ll be free later tonight. Can it wait until then?”

He stops trying to fix everything.

If your Virgo man knows when to just listen, you’re getting to him. Virgos love to be the helper, which often means they’ll nitpick or critique, even at inopportune times. If your fella knows when to resist this urge, it means he’s learning to become more naturally in tune with your emotional needs. He’s putting in the effort to compromise because your relationship is that important to him.

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