
On Windows 10
Hit Windows 10's Start menu. Choose All Apps.
Scroll for Group O. Right click on Opera in that part, and select the "Uninstall" option.
Wait while the programs list loads. Locate your own copy of Opera program, press the Enter key directly or launch the given Uninstall option in the program settings.
If you wish to completely uninstall Opera Stable, please check the additional option "Delete my Opera user data", and then press "Uninstall" button on the "Opera Installer" above.
Open Start menu, choose Settings and then select System.
Enter Apps & Features.
Locate the unwanted Opera app in the list, and launch the Uninstall option.
Select the option Yes when the UAC alert comes up.
On a Mac
Check out your own Dock bar. Quit Opera for Mac.
Run Activity Monitor and terminate the "opera_autoupdate" process manually.
Select the "Quit" option on the confirmation window.
Open your desktop. Head to Go and select Applications entry on the list.
Find an icon named "Opera Internet Browser".
Right click on that Opera app, and select "Move to Trash".
Wait while your Mac helps perform your request.
On Ubuntu
Hit the Ubuntu logo.
Type comm in it, choose Terminal.
Provide your password. You need to make yourself become the root user by offering the correct system password you set.
Type sudo dpkg –remove opera and press Enter.
Please be patient while your request is being processed.
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