Go to If you don't have an account, go to the registration page to sign up for an account.
Create an album. Click on the 'Create New Album' and type in the name of the album that you want to create.
Upload images. You will need to download Java to enable the uploader.
Click on 'Add Photos'. This will bring you to the Desktop of your computer. If that isn't where your photos are, navigate to the correct location. Note the 'ubiquitous' shot of the cat in the rat cage.
Select the images. You are not restricted to one folder at a time. Navigate to the various locations on your computer and select your photos.
Once you have them selected, 'Upload' them. After you have uploaded them, look around. You can do a variety of things with them. Things like: Sharing them with others Get them mounted Wall clings Greeting cards Calendars Magazine covers Trading cards Photo albums, and many other things.
Keep in mind that, depending on the size of the image, you will be restricted as to what you can do with each image. Always keep in mind the image's size. In most cameras, like Canon, Nikon, and Olympus, you can see a little dot when you use manual focus. It tells you if it is in focus on the focal point you have set. So, set a focus point first. Cameras have different settings for them. You can use single-point autofocus. Then look in the viewfinder and see if the camera is in focus. Then you can take the picture from there. Some cameras have more advanced tools. For example, you can use the Focus Peaking feature in a mirrorless camera. It shows which part of the image is in focus on the electronic viewfinder.
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