- When you’re planning on watching a scary movie, read the synopsis beforehand or check parental guidance sections on movie websites to help you mentally prepare.
- To help you cope with scary scenes, try watching the movie during the daytime, having snacks on hand to distract you, and inviting friends to watch with you.
- Remember, if you’re feeling too scared or overwhelmed, there’s nothing wrong with stepping out to take a break, or even turning the movie off altogether.
Preparing Mentally for a Horror Movie
Read the movie synopsis beforehand if you're nervous. Knowing the major plot points ahead of time can make the movie less scary and prepare you for the intense parts. Find the synopsis online and read it thoroughly, checking for any frightening moments. You can also check the rating or parental guidance section on most film websites to prepare you for particularly scary scenes. If you enjoy the thrill of not knowing what comes next, avoid reading the full synopsis beforehand. Instead, check the rating or parental guides to decide whether you can handle the scary moments.
Remember that, no matter what, the movie is fictional. When preparing to watch a scary movie, separating reality from fiction can help you feel less nervous. Remember that scary stories are just that—stories—and that, no matter what, you'll be safe. If this method helps you cope best, avoid movies that claim they are "based on a true story." Try reading movie reviews or watching a "Behind the Scenes" video of the movie to remind yourself that it's fictional.
Avoid movies with overly triggering material. If you're sensitive to certain themes or scenes in horror movies, you may want to choose a movie that avoids these topics. After checking the parental guides, choose a horror movie that doesn't contain any themes you find too disturbing. Most horror movies contain frightening scenes, but avoid movies that you think could negatively affect you for more than a few hours.
Talk about your concerns with your friends. If you've been preparing for the movie and are still a little nervous, voicing your concerns can help you feel less anxious. Your friends may be able to validate your emotions or suggest things that can help you cope when you're worried. Try to talk to a friend who is comfortable with, or even enjoys, horror movies. Expressing your fears to someone who also is afraid of scary movies might worsen your concerns. Talking with a friend who loves horror movies can also help you see what makes watching scary movies enjoyable.
Choosing the Right Environment
Watch the movie at home, not in a theater. Although the theater atmosphere can be fun, you'll have more control over the movie at home. Pick a movie that's already available to buy, rent, or stream, so that you can pause, fast forward, and skip scenes as needed. If you have to watch the movie in a theater, choose a seat near the exit, so you can sneak out if you feel overwhelmed. Watching the movie in a theater, however, can definitely be fun if you want to immerse yourself in the horror movie experience.
Watch the movie during the day, if possible. Horror movies are scariest at night, when any shadow or unexplained noise might make you jump. If you can, watch the movie while the sun's still out, so that afterward you can distract your mind with other things before nighttime. If you're watching a horror movie at night, turn on a few lights in a nearby room to make the atmosphere feel less scary. Avoid watching scary movies right before you go to bed, as you may be more likely to have nightmares or struggle with insomnia. Watching a horror movie at night, however, can be fun if you enjoy feeling frightened and want to really play up the spooky atmosphere.
Keep a few pillows or squeezable objects on hand. During scary scenes, having something soft to hold can help calm you down. Set a few pillows, stuffed animals, therapy balls, or other soft objects near you, just in case you're feeling nervous. If you're watching the movie with a friend, ask beforehand if you can hold their hand during the scary parts as reassurance.
Invite some friends over to watch the movie. Watching a horror movie alone can make everything seem more scary, but friends can make the experience more lighthearted and fun.You can even invite several people over and host a scary movie party! If you have to watch the movie by yourself, try to watch it when others will be home. Having other people nearby can help you feel less afraid. Invite friends who enjoy scary movies to create a light, fun atmosphere and help you feel more excited to watch it.
Get some snacks to eat during the movie. Sweet or salty snacks can help distract your mind and remind you that you're watching a movie. Before you watch the movie, pop some popcorn or buy some candy to have on hand. Crunchy foods, like veggies, chips, or cookies are especially useful for calming your nerves because they can prevent you from being too mentally absorbed in the movie.
Dealing with Frightening Scenes
Make fun of the movie if you feel scared. Humor can help put the movie into perspective and remind you that you're not in danger. Think about an aspect of the film that scares you, and try to reimagine it in a hilarious light. If the movie has an evil clown, for example, try to picture the clown slipping on a banana peel. Share your humorous thoughts with your friends to keep the atmosphere light and comfortable.
Remind yourself that nothing you're seeing is real. If you feel overwhelmed by the movie, reassure yourself that you're watching actors, and that the movie is fiction. Being scared is okay, but remember that watching the movie does not make it real. Try looking for small details that show you the movie is fake, like a supposedly "dead" body breathing, or the shadow of a microphone. Let your friends know if you're scared, so they can give you reassurance or remind you that it's fake.
Mute the movie during especially scary scenes. Part of what makes horror movies so frightening is the loud sound effects and unsettling music. Muting the movie should put the film into perspective and make it significantly less frightening. If you still want to know what's going on, try lowering the volume instead of muting it, or turn on the subtitles.
Distract your mind with something else, if nothing seems to help. If you feel overwhelmed by the horror movie, try taking your focus off of the movie itself and distracting yourself with snacks or a calming activity. Something that distracts your mind and your body, like knitting, doing a puzzle, or sketching can be especially effective for calming you down. You could also leave the room for a few minutes to take a breather, then come back when you're ready to start watching again. If you don't want to watch the movie anymore, there's no shame in turning it off or leaving the room until it's over.
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