Physical and Personality Traits that Attract Gemini Men
Physical and Personality Traits that Attract Gemini Men
Gemini guys have a reputation for being charming but hard to pin down. If only you knew what he was looking for, you'd know what to accentuate about yourself to catch his eye. If you've got your heart set on a gregarious Gemini, you've come to the right place. We spoke with Vedic astrologer Tara Divina to get the low-down on what gets a Gemini guy's motor running. You'll also find dating tips and the skinny on what he's looking for in a relationship.
What Gemini Guys Like in a Partner

Personality Traits Gemini Men Like

Intelligent Gemini is an air sign, which means Gemini guys tend to favor reason and intellect. If you're a smart, well-read woman with a good head on your shoulders, you're already halfway into that Gemini guy's heart. Find a way to make him laugh with your cleverness and he'll definitely be interested in seeing more of you. To attract him: If you're standing near him, drop a joking observation about something going on around you—even better if it includes a pun or some clever wordplay. Divina notes that Geminis are very "mental and so you could be playful with words, for example, creative with words, that would work really well for someone who's a very strong Gemini."

Independent Gemini guys are pretty independent themselves and they like to go out and do their own thing. If you have your own interests and are capable of taking care of yourself, he'll know that he won't have to worry about you getting upset if he can't spend all of his time with you—even though, if he really likes you, he'll probably want to spend as much time with you as possible. To attract him: Don't shy away from telling him all the different things you have on your plate. Let him know that you've got a lot going on and are living a perfectly fulfilling life on your own. Dating tip: If you have a tough time working him into your schedule, he'll feel a lot more comfortable than he would if you always seemed to be available.

Adventurous Gemini guys are all about seeing new places and trying out new things. The world is his oyster and he's most attracted to adventurous ladies who want to be out there exploring and experimenting with him. Gemini guys like women who are willing to try anything once and aren't afraid to look silly in the process. To attract him: Be the first person to raise your hand when someone asks for volunteers, then catch his eye and give him a wink. Dating tip: When you're planning a date, tell him about a new restaurant or new type of cuisine you've been wanting to try—he'll always be down for something new.

Trusting He's likely to be running around on his own a lot and he doesn't want to be with a woman who's going to give him the third-degree about it when he comes back. Once a Gemini guy is committed, he's loyal. He does tend to be a bit of a flirt, but that's just part of his personality—there's nothing behind it. That's why he prefers to be with a woman who's going to trust him and not ask a lot of questions. To attract him: Act indifferent if he's flirting with other people or texting someone else on his phone. You might even join in the flirting yourself! He'll see that you're not going to be clingy or possessive. Dating tip: Let him know that you're fine with him going out on his own by not texting him constantly when he's out with his friends. Instead, wait for him to text you.

Energetic Gemini guys are pretty active so they need ladies who are going to be able to keep up with them. Geminis also have a reputation for being pretty spontaneous, so if you're down to go do something at a moment's notice, he's likely to love having you around. You can tell he likes you if he frequently invites you out with him. To attract him: Display your energy through your posture and body language. Talk about activities you like to do or sports you enjoy playing. Dating tip: Start a spontaneous dance party at a bar or restaurant when your favorite song comes on. When you're walking through a park, slap his arm and say, "Tag! You're it!" Then run off ahead.

Curious Because a Gemini guy is naturally curious, he's attracted to women who are the same way. But for most Gemini guys, it's about more than that. He wants to be with someone whose curiosity is never satisfied, who always wants to learn more about a wide variety of topics. To attract him: Tell him about the latest "rabbit hole" you lost yourself in while learning about something new. Ask him open-ended questions to show that you're curious about him and who he is as a person.

Physical Attributes Gemini Men Like

Curvy body Gemini guys tend to be more attracted to a woman's mind and her personality than her body. That being said, their eyes tend to be drawn to women who have curves in all the right places and know how to show those curves off to the greatest effect while also leaving something to the imagination. To attract him: Go ahead and wear that yellow bodycon dress, since yellow is the best color for Gemini. Throw a comfy cardigan over it and don't forget those heels!

Elegant arms and shoulders Gemini rules over the arms, hands, and lungs—seems fitting, given that the sign is represented by the Twins and people have 2 of each of those things. For a Gemini guy, hands and arms are very expressive. He's attracted to them when they're bare and illuminating a passionate point with fluid, graceful gestures. To attract him: Wear sleeveless tops or dresses around him. Tie a sweater around your shoulders to accentuate your arms and shoulders. Use lots of expressive hand gestures when you talk.

Trendy fashion sense A Gemini guy tends to be attracted to ladies who keep up with the latest styles. This doesn't mean that you need to be a walking billboard for every current trend, though. Incorporate the trends that enhance your figure and complement your personal style, adapt the ones that don't work as well, and ignore the rest. To attract him: Choose bold pieces that flatter your figure and have interesting details that might spark conversation. Something one-of-a-kind or handmade will likely draw his eye and intrigue him.

Athletic and active Gemini guys aren't the most on-the-go sign, but they definitely like to have the option to be on the move available. This is why they look for a woman who seems like she's athletic and capable of keeping up. If he decides to go on an impromptu jog around the block, he'd love to have his lady with him! To attract him: If you're active in sports, mention it. Gemini guys are also intrigued by competitive women so he'll want to know more. You might also invite him out on an active adventure, such as a hike at the nearest national park.

Gemini in a Relationship

He might not be down for monogamy. Although a Gemini guy is capable of being loyal to one woman, he might not be interested in it. For Gemini guys, variety is the spice of life. Don't be surprised if he's not quite ready to settle down or if he wants to keep your relationship open. What to do: Discuss the parameters of your relationship and set boundaries for how you'll interact with others. Make sure you're both on the same page in terms of your expectations of each other.

He prefers to talk it out. Gemini guys are super-analytical, thanks in part to their ruling planet Mercury, which represents the intellect and the mind. Whenever he and his partner get in a spat, he's not one to let his emotions take over. On the contrary, he wants to sit down and reason everything out until both of you have hammered out all the issues and found solutions you can both deal with. What to do: Be open and honest with him. There's never a problem that he can't find a solution to if he has all the necessary facts in front of him. This also makes him a good partner because he's happy to sacrifice if it's rational to do so.

He changes his mind frequently. A Gemini guy can see the benefits of doing almost anything and doesn't want to miss out—so he can have a hard time choosing one thing when that means rejecting another. You might find this annoying if you're someone who's incredibly resolute and confident in your decisions. What to do: Narrow his options so that it's easier to choose. For example, if you're trying to decide on a restaurant, you might list 2 specific places rather than just saying you feel like Mexican food.

He's playful and spontaneous. A Gemini guy often feels like a young boy trapped in a man's body. He bounds through life in a light-hearted way with a carefree attitude that can be contagious. In a relationship, he prefers if things stay light. It's not that he's afraid to work on serious issues—he just isn't likely to stick in a relationship that has serious issues coming up constantly. What to do: Create space in your lives for play and spontaneity. Be willing to have fun and be silly with him from time to time. If your Gemini guy is playful with you, that's how you can tell he really loves you. Divina agrees that if you wanted to flirt with a Gemini, "you would want to be playful."

He can seem inconsistent. It may just be because he tends to change his mind a lot, but a Gemini guy can seem somewhat hard to depend on sometimes. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he'll decide to do something else and then go and do that—forgetting all about what he previously said he was going to do. What to do: If something bothers you, say something—don't bury your feelings. Figure out how the two of you can work together to keep it from happening again. For example, you might say, "I was upset when you didn't show up at my nephew's game. I was really excited for you to meet my family. Could you make it a priority next time?"

He gets bored easily. It's not that he has a wandering eye—once he commits to a relationship, he's more than capable of being loyal. Getting him to commit might be the biggest challenge because as soon as he starts to feel bored, he's likely to want to move on to something else that will be new and exciting again. What to do: Suggest spontaneous outings. Change up the routine or ask him to meet you up at different times of the day. Get involved in new hobbies and try new activities that show up on your radar. Divina agrees, noting that "Geminis are also dual-minded about things. And so showing them both sides of a coin, 'Hey do you prefer this or that?' Would be a very entertaining conversation for a Gemini, they probably prefer both of everything."

Gemini Compatibility with Other Signs

Gemini gets along best with fellow air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Gemini is driven by reason and the mind, so it stands to reason that he gets along with other analytical signs. These signs have an innate understanding of each other and feel warmth where other signs would likely feel a chill. Of the air signs, Libra is probably best-suited to Gemini if you're looking for something long-term. With a fellow Gemini, they often end up reinforcing each other's worst qualities, get bored, and quickly move on. While a Gemini guy still has a strong shot with an Aquarius lady, it's important that their goals in life and overall outlooks are compatible. Otherwise, he'll see more challenges with her than he would with other air signs.

Gemini has a lot in common with fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Fire signs tend to be pretty active and that works well for Gemini since he also tends to be pretty spontaneous. Fire signs are also friendly and social, which makes them likely to cross paths frequently with Gemini guys. Gemini guys probably get along best with Aries ladies. They're both pretty active and on the go, so they lead similar lifestyles. As long as he can understand that sometimes she just doesn't want to discuss everything, they'll get along just fine. The toughest fire sign for Gemini is probably Sagittarius. This is a case of opposites attract, which means they'll find each other fascinating but likely also frustrating. If they want to make it work, they have to learn to overcome their differences.

Gemini has a hard time understanding water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Water signs are the most emotional in the zodiac, and Gemini guys are logical and analytical. They're just not going to understand where a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces lady is coming from, most of the time. This makes it really difficult for them to connect. A Gemini guy has his best shot with a Cancer woman. She's attracted to Gemini's rational nature and he's attracted to her sensitivity and emotional depth. Plus, Gemini guys like to talk and Cancer ladies tend to be very good listeners. Pisces ladies spell trouble for Gemini fellas. That's not to say they can't live happily ever after, but dreamy, intuitive Pisces makes no sense to rational, analytical Gemini. To make it work, they have to learn to appreciate each other's perspectives.

Gemini tends to clash with earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). At best, Gemini guys and earth sign ladies don't really understand each other. Because they have vastly different values and emotional styles, it can be hard for them to communicate well—although they can always make it work if they're willing to make some adjustments. Taurus is probably Gemini's best chance for happiness with an earth sign. Taurus ladies are stable and grounded, which balances out Gemini's flighty nature. They can go far as long as they can learn to respect each other's different ways of handling things. A Gemini guy is probably going to have the most challenges with a Virgo woman. He's spontaneous and often a risk-taker, while Virgo is more cautious and prefers to play it safe. They are both very rational, though, so it's possible for them to have a strong mental connection.

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