Getting Your User ID & Linking
Make sure Developer Mode is enabled. You can enable it by going to Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode in Discord in the mobile or desktop app. While this is the most direct answer to "Can I get a link to my Discord profile?" it is not the easiest way to share your Discord information, which is to share your username instead.
Copy your User ID. To get this information, follow these steps: Desktop: Click your profile picture and click Copy User ID. Mobile: Locate a message you've sent in a server or DM and tap your profile picture. Tap ••• > Copy User ID.
Paste the link to share your Discord profile. Add it to https://discordapp.com/users/USERID where you replace "USERID" with your User ID (you copied it earlier). If that link doesn't work, try https://discord.com/users/USERID where your User ID replaces "USERID." Anyone can visit this site using the browser on their smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Tap your profile picture. You may need to swipe right to open the left side panel. Your profile picture is in the bottom right corner of your screen.
Tap Android 7 Settings. This gear icon is in the top right corner of your screen.
Tap Account. It's usually the second option on the menu under "Account Settings."
Tap Username. This will open the text field so you can change your username, but you'll just copy it.
Tap and hold the current username text and select Copy. When you tap and hold your username, a contextual menu with editing and selecting options will appear next to your finger.
Share the copied username with others. You can share it in Messenger or in a text message by tapping and holding the blank text space where you'd normally enter your text and select Paste when the contextual menu appears. They can use your username to add you as a friend on Discord.
Click your profile picture. It's at the bottom of your screen toward the left.
Click the copy icon next to your display name. It looks like duplicate pieces of paper and only appears when you hover your mouse over your display name. Your display name is what others see and might be different than your username, which is copied when you select the copy icon next to your display name. For example, a username can be JaneDoe2846 but the display name is Jane Doe.
Share the copied username with others. You can share it in Messenger or in a text message by tapping and holding the blank text space where you'd normally enter your text and select Paste when the contextual menu appears. They can use your username to add you as a friend on Discord.
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